Topic: What is Google Adsense?
Answer: Google AdSense for web site publishers to show Google ads on relevant content pages and earn money fast and easy way. The program is free, and Google search results pages on your site or pays you for valid clicks on the ads.
Q1: How much time is considered to Google adsense? C1: Min 7, max 20 days.
Q2: My host provider yaşarmıyım a problem abroad? A2: No.
Q3: What oluyormu definitely return? C3: Positive or negative, yes.
Q4: How did the Turkish yayınıcıyım tax and no individual application to enter gerekiyormu? A4: No.
Q5: Why my Google ads dating service? C5: The content is not suitable for advertising, your site is new indexlendiğinden.Adsense 't have to integrate to your site
Q6: What makes it my problem. C6: The problem is not, yes.
Q7: Is there more than one site conforms to the rules and make contact with someone within acceptable edildim.Diğerleri man Integration? C7: Hayır.Google Adsense Channel Technology can do more than one publication at the appropriate site.
Q8: What about instant results as görüntüleyebilirmiyim channels. C8: 2 days görüntülünebilir is delayed.
S9: The application did not approve your site, I've corrected the problem geldi.Ve mail me the right to re-apply? A9: Yes there is.
Q10: Turkish content off my site (Eng, Ger, etc.) considered how much time? C10: Not yet time for all sites the same as a new formation Google Turkish due to excessive demand for recycling up to 20 days less than olabiliyor.Diğer languages 2-3-4 day ..
Q11: All the same I click rates. A11: No. değil.Bunu advertising and Google is set.
Q12: I cheated Google vilification? C12: Turkish publishers, and discourages the already bad image of what we do a little more cash for yourself what you will have no other people. Google does not cheat and direct sites to be deactivated.
Q13: Google sites containing adult images and text do you accept? C13: no loss of material containing google definitely erotic and pornographic sites are not acceptable.
Q14: When the data channel created two days after the görüntüliyebiliyoruz .. So in total, including figures on the number of channels! C14: Yes, included. Total figures include data channel. But as a separate data channel is possible to see two days later.
Q15: The advertising and search koyabiliyormuyuz? Koyabilirmyiiz or more ad? C15: Yes, and he calls me to place ads on your site options. Solo advertising options, make sure that the same ad in two different ads bannerının textinin or does not get displayed. Google does not support this situation.
Q16: I put the Google search code to my site .. Clicking on the search looks only site I can not make money? C16: Only when advertisers select the custom google search out advertising space. Click on these ads and these ads when you can earn money on top of other sites tablelarla divided.
Q17: What is the alternative ads? What does it do? C17: Alternative Ads Show Google ads on your site in no time, "Aya, who first set foot?", "Why is blue the sea?" gibisinden ads are shown. Instead they will use a times and just did not get google ads are ads that can show.
Q18: Adsense for questions about the Turkish e-mail to the address at which we can! C18: can send an email.
Q19: How anlıyabilirim Google does not my account still active? C19: from your e-mail address and password when you log alıcağınız message is as follows. "This is the login for your AdSense account does not exist. If your application currently in review. Your application date within a week, review your application and not your e-mail will send. AdSense to qualify when you login to your account can and use the program began to be able to" If you see this message if you hold Keep a positive or negative, you will get back to google.
Q20: Tükçe my sites in google agrees? C20: Yes, google Turkish content sites are acceptable if they conform strictly to the rules.
Q21: How much time the report is updated? C21: Regular reports are updated every hour. You can view your channel reports, but two days later.
Q22: Can Google gain share with our other friends are? C22: No, certainly many dollars you've earned or how much money you accumulate in your account that is contrary to the contract other companies to share them with google.
S23 increase with each passing day, but my google adsense clicks Win money is running low. No changes to site or something of that nature is always the same ads out long ago. Google seems to me every night of the day you gave webmasterlara per click is lower commission? C23: Google is not a situation such as a lower commission. CPM rates are low because you can earn more clicks less. Is important that high CPM. Clicking on any ad matter how much the commission can vary from day to day.
Q24: My first and last name of my payment information includes tükçe character. Yaşarmıyım a problem in the bank? C24: Check out from the sharing of friends definitely do not go wrong in these cases. Only your name and last name using capital letters to write Turkish characters without using the guarantee will be.
Q25: When do I receive payment for the month of October? C25: payment of the month of October, November, Google officials confirmed after the mail is like 20si .. Reach your hand in approximately 1-2 weeks.
Q26: to encourage visitors kullanabilirmiyiz google text ads to the right, left, top? C26: No, certainly this is not supported by google! Click on the links on the side in any way, click on our sponsors gibisinden messages should be written!
Q27: Google advertising options are the colors we wanted oynıyabilir? C27: Page components obscure any portion of the ads and text ads, such as address components of the color must be visible. within the rules of the advertising with the color of the border as desired or can be played .. But it is important that url, description, and will appear in the title is that ..
Q28: I have a link at the bottom I'm not a U.S. citizen, I still went to work and he continued kurmayacam most recent Certification is not any U.S. event came up to the last place he writes. Yazıcam bottom section of the site names? Does my name username? C28: you must write the name and soyisminizi.
Q29: One the same I'll put the Adsense code on the forum. I can not put the same code, so many pages I want? C29: Yes, you can place the code on all pages that match the rules. This page will automatically recognize your own google.
Q30: How much money per click you gain? C30: Click veriolar you more money to advertising, according to the category of advertising dollars veriorsa değişior such a friendship link to health link to the dollar veriordur 0:10 .. In this way a link with more health gained per click oluor ..
Q31: Google ads and I can add tükçe he sitemede my English? C31: I can add. Google has found its own sites. Rules will only add up to the sites.
Q32: Google-Adsense tax identification number? C32: amerikayla Turkish citizen and taxpayer identification numbers are not relevant to webmasters yazmıyacaklar nowhere. This system is completely private parties in the United States. I have no relevancy to the form you need to do after coming ABD'le name and your last name to uppercase letters.
S33: Not only the text Adsensede seçecegiz picture type ad, how? C33: seçemessiniz such a thing. Just text ads and Google ads and text search options - options that are both image ads.
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adsense etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
adsense etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
29 Ağustos 2010 Pazar
Everything with Google Adsense
Google Adsense, Google's most important services, thanks to Google Adsense on their site biridir.Site owners run their Google ads, according to the rate of hits and clicks on Google and you can get money.
Before mixing these two services;
* Google Adsense: Google's ad buy
* Google Adwords: Google's advertising
In short, here we have removed a result of Google Adsense publishers, Google Adwords advertisers ads yayınlarlar.Google takes money from Google Adsense publishers, Google Adwords advertisers are paying views for Firefox. If a web site you have, and those sites make money if you want to immediately Google Adsense Sheet tıklayın.Yeni advertising publishers continue to be, but each site will be here so the base does tabiki.Başvuru your accounts with Google Adsense editors will be reviewed by the appropriate information after In such a case to refuse admission ederler.Tabiki your account is in question.
Google Adsense has various advertising options. When it comes to advertising options;
* AdSense for Content
Here is the most popular ads ads here seçeneğidir.Kullanıcıların seçer.Bu vardır.Örneğin advanced options section to your preference or visual or both at the same time yayınlayabilirsiniz.Ayrıca yayınlayabilirsiniz.Ya Text ads Text ads paletide can prepare for your own ads.
Also, when you click here 'link unit' in the name of a description of Google AdSense ads with the option karşılaşacaksınız.Burası gösterir.Ziyaretci links relevant to your site by clicking the link next to each other when the content comes across an ad menu.
* Adsense for Search
This advertising option personally Google's ads have made olursunuz.Sitenizin any place Google AdSense you with this advertising option-related code run when Firefox custom palette consists of your site and your site via ziyaretcilerinize a Google Search Engine will generate.
You select the ads with Google Adwords, Google's own reklamıdır.Ve palette yoktur.Tamamen no relevance in the 'Firefox Custom Search' writings ziyaretcileriniz encounters.
* AdSense for Feeds
This advertising option is very basittir.Bir Adsense account if you have a panel you can see a 'RSS' iconu stating also means that the people in the 'site's simple interface, known as "in RSS advertising ekleyebilirsiniz.Pek uncommon an advertising option.
* Adsense for Domains
Google Adsense says,; ads you want to add, earning you want to, and developed a special area, if you have it for you göre.Burada a simple rule is, only the 1500 field ekleyebilirsiniz.Alanlarınızı Once you've created here Advertising Manager add fields and our own in our custom ad we are preparing.
Google Adsense Policies
Google AdSense is the most attention the rules' user Ads Promoting Etme'dir. For example, ads next to, on or under the 'Please advertisement Click', 'Advertising Click If your membership is not activated', 'Link to see advertising Click the' gibisinden articles directly to Google AdSense ban is the cause. Invalid Clicks Google AdSense Publisher budur.Reklam One of the golden rule, with some tricks to earn more Adsense başvurabilir.Google repeatedly shown that if blood were to cheat and cheat who banlamıştır.Amaç unquestioned, to protect themselves and the money for Adwords publishers. Site Content: Google Adsense, Mp3, VVarez, never advertising on sites such as Adult vermez.Ancak alır.En adult site advertising is much criticism here. Placement of ads by Google AdSense, and this new system that automatically returns comes into play, a page 1 search for Adsense, Adsense should be three to content itself is already more visible. Google AdSense is the most importance is that these rules and these rules If you apply will not be a problem.
I do not want to have ads on my site, or have it in front of Adult Ads How do I go?
There are very basittir.Google AdSense ad filter ads on your site and you do not want Setup göstermeyebilirsiniz.AdSense Competitive Ad Filter option, you do not want to add the URL of the advertiser, and the changes after the 4-5 hours that you do not want ads on your site will not appear again.
According to what we earn?
Every word itself according to a value vardır.Google Adwords advertisers own his ad prices for the right to determine sahiptir.Türkçe content so does not gain clearly known gerçek.Bu why Turkish webmaster English content web site establish why One of those.
Can I add multiple sites?
Yes eklerisiniz.AdSense Setup> Channels tab, you can add to your site.
Golden Rule, 'to give the correct address' Google Adsense while recording from you home address isteyecektir.Burada misinform you if your earnings into your hands geçmeyecektir.Buradaki why when it comes to Google Adsense account activity for your home a card gönderecektir.Burada PIN code will be provided and that the PIN code, bank account information with you added if payments each month will be held .
Of constantly winning 'One Way'
Google Adsense says, be honest, unless continuous violation of the Google Adsense kazanırsınız.Ancak never known anyone to eat right and did not always strictly applied rules and were preventing unfair gain.
With plenty of hits, all of you are profitable day.
Before mixing these two services;
* Google Adsense: Google's ad buy
* Google Adwords: Google's advertising
In short, here we have removed a result of Google Adsense publishers, Google Adwords advertisers ads yayınlarlar.Google takes money from Google Adsense publishers, Google Adwords advertisers are paying views for Firefox. If a web site you have, and those sites make money if you want to immediately Google Adsense Sheet tıklayın.Yeni advertising publishers continue to be, but each site will be here so the base does tabiki.Başvuru your accounts with Google Adsense editors will be reviewed by the appropriate information after In such a case to refuse admission ederler.Tabiki your account is in question.
Google Adsense has various advertising options. When it comes to advertising options;
* AdSense for Content
Here is the most popular ads ads here seçeneğidir.Kullanıcıların seçer.Bu vardır.Örneğin advanced options section to your preference or visual or both at the same time yayınlayabilirsiniz.Ayrıca yayınlayabilirsiniz.Ya Text ads Text ads paletide can prepare for your own ads.
Also, when you click here 'link unit' in the name of a description of Google AdSense ads with the option karşılaşacaksınız.Burası gösterir.Ziyaretci links relevant to your site by clicking the link next to each other when the content comes across an ad menu.
* Adsense for Search
This advertising option personally Google's ads have made olursunuz.Sitenizin any place Google AdSense you with this advertising option-related code run when Firefox custom palette consists of your site and your site via ziyaretcilerinize a Google Search Engine will generate.
You select the ads with Google Adwords, Google's own reklamıdır.Ve palette yoktur.Tamamen no relevance in the 'Firefox Custom Search' writings ziyaretcileriniz encounters.
* AdSense for Feeds
This advertising option is very basittir.Bir Adsense account if you have a panel you can see a 'RSS' iconu stating also means that the people in the 'site's simple interface, known as "in RSS advertising ekleyebilirsiniz.Pek uncommon an advertising option.
* Adsense for Domains
Google Adsense says,; ads you want to add, earning you want to, and developed a special area, if you have it for you göre.Burada a simple rule is, only the 1500 field ekleyebilirsiniz.Alanlarınızı Once you've created here Advertising Manager add fields and our own in our custom ad we are preparing.
Google Adsense Policies
Google AdSense is the most attention the rules' user Ads Promoting Etme'dir. For example, ads next to, on or under the 'Please advertisement Click', 'Advertising Click If your membership is not activated', 'Link to see advertising Click the' gibisinden articles directly to Google AdSense ban is the cause. Invalid Clicks Google AdSense Publisher budur.Reklam One of the golden rule, with some tricks to earn more Adsense başvurabilir.Google repeatedly shown that if blood were to cheat and cheat who banlamıştır.Amaç unquestioned, to protect themselves and the money for Adwords publishers. Site Content: Google Adsense, Mp3, VVarez, never advertising on sites such as Adult vermez.Ancak alır.En adult site advertising is much criticism here. Placement of ads by Google AdSense, and this new system that automatically returns comes into play, a page 1 search for Adsense, Adsense should be three to content itself is already more visible. Google AdSense is the most importance is that these rules and these rules If you apply will not be a problem.
I do not want to have ads on my site, or have it in front of Adult Ads How do I go?
There are very basittir.Google AdSense ad filter ads on your site and you do not want Setup göstermeyebilirsiniz.AdSense Competitive Ad Filter option, you do not want to add the URL of the advertiser, and the changes after the 4-5 hours that you do not want ads on your site will not appear again.
According to what we earn?
Every word itself according to a value vardır.Google Adwords advertisers own his ad prices for the right to determine sahiptir.Türkçe content so does not gain clearly known gerçek.Bu why Turkish webmaster English content web site establish why One of those.
Can I add multiple sites?
Yes eklerisiniz.AdSense Setup> Channels tab, you can add to your site.
Golden Rule, 'to give the correct address' Google Adsense while recording from you home address isteyecektir.Burada misinform you if your earnings into your hands geçmeyecektir.Buradaki why when it comes to Google Adsense account activity for your home a card gönderecektir.Burada PIN code will be provided and that the PIN code, bank account information with you added if payments each month will be held .
Of constantly winning 'One Way'
Google Adsense says, be honest, unless continuous violation of the Google Adsense kazanırsınız.Ancak never known anyone to eat right and did not always strictly applied rules and were preventing unfair gain.
With plenty of hits, all of you are profitable day.
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