In the Middle Ages, a list of seven wonders of the world are brought together again taken to the list of buildings of architectural monuments of the world was believed that the most perfect. Other structures were also found in earlier lists, but these were destroyed, lost or changed. Historian and poet Antipater, still exist today, such a list of seven buildings, but added that the list instead of the Lighthouse of Alexandria was the walls of Babylon. In the list of Seven Wonders of the world has the following structure:
- Great Pyramid of Giza
- Colossus of Rhodes
- Of Alexandria Lighthouse
- Hanging Gardens of Babylon
- Statue of Zeus Olimpos'taki
- Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
- Artemis at Ephesus (Diana) Temple
The selection of these structures because of their excellence in engineering and architecture in were both
1. Great Pyramid of Giza: The building still exists today and the list of seven wonders of the world in one place. Currently in Cairo, Egypt as part of the old city of Khufu is structured. With this expression all the time, but only the Great Pyramid of Giza pyramids are believed to have been meant to be shown as one of the seven wonders of the world. This structure of the Egyptian pharaohs Khofu (Khufu), the last place by the yacht was built to. Today, the pyramid of Khufu and the Sphinx with the pyramids plateau in the other is located in a tourist area. At the time of the pyramids of about 146 meters long. Approximately nine feet above the eroded during the years. In this pyramid, each of the two million stone heavier than two tonnes were used. Go inside the burial chambers of pyramids and the complex of corridors and columns are here. Observatories of the pyramids as temples are built, or there are many theories. But accepted the results of the majority, the king of all the pyramids of Egypt and their families could stay until the beginning of the next life as grave created.
2. Colossus of Rhodes: The giant statues destroyed only 56 years before being able to survive. Structure was approximately 33 feet long at the entrance to the harbor and the island of Rhodes in Greece took place. Open positions on the two legs of the statue standing in the harbor is a common belief that only the size of the statue and the harbor entrance on the basis of modern research has shown that it is not true. Completion of the original structure was found 12 years and BC 282'de was finished. BC 226'da a strong earthquake shook the city and the giant statue and the statue was broken from the directory. Egypt III. Ptolemy, the restoration of the statue to the people of Rhodes for making money was offered, but the statue prohibits a priest, after consulting the people refused to deal with this work. Keep track of the Arab invaders and MS In case of the statue until it was sold 654'te debris. The main form of sculptures and drawings showing the appearance did not stay too many artists have made a sketch of the statue. With respect to the bottom of the white marble structure, with a frame made of iron and stone have been known.
3. Mausoleum: The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus BC In 350 years, today we call our Bodrum (Halicarnassus) was done in the southern region. Structure by Massollos Carian king after the death of his wife and his tomb was built for use as. The length of 42 meters and mausoleum of all sizes adorned with human and animal processing. Satyrus Pythias made by architects and design, processing, they Bryaxis, Leochares, Scopast and had his Timotheus'un. Each of them was responsible for the production of the four walls. The Mausoleum stood for 1600 years but a major earthquake damaged the roof and columns. Invaded the region in the fifteenth century buildings have been damaged again. This time the mausoleum was a fortress of gigantic stones. Castle in places that still remain. The only remains of the mausoleum is the foundation of the structure. Some statues recovered from the mausoleum, London, England British Museum are on display. Now been started to sense the grave in the mausoleum, the term is the name of King Massollos'tan. The seventh wonder of itself as the final resting place has done.
4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus: Artmesi Temple, is located in the ancient city of our country Efe. BC In 550 years, the goddess Artemis (Diana) made on behalf of a religious shrine and the place was used as well as Sunday. Father-son architects of this temple, which was designed by Chersiphron and Metagenes. This marble structure with wooden tiled roof, staring into a giant garden. The most talented artists in the temple when statues and pictures were made by. Basis was approximately 60 meters and 120 meters of column 18 or 12 meters. BC 356'da temple was burned. It was restored over the period but the second sculpture in the same basic MS 262'de was burnt by a fire again. Made again after a restoration process. Today a few remnants of the temple in London, British Museum are exhibited in the UK.
5. Statue of Zeus Olimpos'taki: Olimpia'daki statue of Zeus, Greek sculpture is seen as one of the most important works. BC 457 years old ancient city of Olympos is by the sculptor Phedias (Athens, Greece) was constructed. It was the area of the original Olympic games. The length of the statue was 12 meters and gold in the right hand of Zeus, messenger of cüppesiyle Nike (victory) sign to show that God was on the throne of Zeus. Statue of Zeus in the Temple was built. Anno Domini I. century Roman emperor Caligula had ordered the statue moved to Rome. Used to transport the statue, but insufficient scaffolding collapse pattern when such attempts failed. Anno Domini 351'de pagan Olympic games were banned because of the belief and the Temple of Zeus, was closed. In this period, the statue was moved to Constantinople by a group of wealthy Greeks and MS He stayed there until 462'ye. After the fire was no more. Only a few ruined columns of the temple stands in the region.
6. Alexandria Lighthouse: Lighthouse of Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria, BC Was built in 270 years. Alexandria, Egypt is located on the island of Pharos in the harbor. King of the architects of this lighthouse Sostratus II. Was designed in the reign of Ptolemy. Approximately 121 meters in length of the flashlight and had a peak a statue of Poseidon. For more than 1500 years to the lighthouse to guide sailors and seven wonders was one of the most recent loss. Lantern at the top of a mirror reflected sunlight during the day. Night "as a huge fire was directing sailors. Reflection of the flashlight can be seen from the coast 56 km away from the rumors are even. Two earthquakes occurred in the years 1303 and 1323, the lighthouse was badly hurt. 1480'de lighthouse of stone and marble, where the torch is used to erect a fortress.
7. Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Hanging Gardens of Babylon, as many are contradictory. There is even some historians doubt that this great and ancient story is a figment of the thinker. BC estimated Founded in 600 of these gardens here also used in irrigation is said to be on the east bank of the Euphrates River. This region Baghdad today, Iraq is known to be. Nebukadnezar'ın exotic trees and greenery but also very loving king's favorite wife, is also said to make this garden. Hanging Gardens with exotic plants and flowers of all kinds often grown in a few places with terraces and waterfalls which are portrayed as. In this region, but also exotic animals is also believed to have been imported. Among those who believe in the existence of the garden about the size of a dispute, there are still many ancient Greek writing, but the garden is 37 square meters or 30 meters in length and tells him to reach.
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