Denizli Governor Yavuz Erkmen, stated the city does not consist only in Pamukkale,''came here, we aim to benefit from medical tourism,''he said.
Erkmen, UNESCO's World Heritage List in Pamukkale, Denizli's a brand is, but the addition of Pamukkale and Karahayıt towns in the thermal springs with the province's major health tourism potential is pointed out.
City tourism related to the concept of health care to emphasize that they expressed the Erkmen, said:Health tourism in the City''seems to be a very important place. Karahayıt'a Pamukkale and the only ancient travertine or not seeing the tissue, taking advantage of thermal and health tourism in the sense that we want to choose here. Health tourism in the City's take from day to day, we see very significant.''
Tourism development and diversification in line with the city's efforts to increase bed capacity, which they describe Erkmen, aims to improve the quality of the reported number of beds.In terms of Denizli, Turkey's most beautiful tourist destinations Erkmen, Governor noted,''Each side smells of history and culture. Natural beauty is one of the places to be seen''he said.
Governor Yavuz Erkmen, City's climate and geographical features, because tourism diversity-rich province is also pointing,''Provincial our priorities on the one hand we have the beauty will see the other side of Denizli, this unique textile products can participate. Shopping in the City's tourism should not be ignored as one of the places I need to see,''he said.
Erkmen, famous for its weaving Buldan's shopping is a great opportunity for tourism to save,''Born in Denizli, tap, just like home Buldan Safranbolu houses, combined with the weaving culture, adds a distinctive beauty. Especially women prefer shopping then we see Buldan. This adds a distinctive beauty to the City''he said.
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15 Eylül 2010 Çarşamba
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* Check-in Time: 06/03/2010 11:43
Updated: 03/06/2010 11:48
Institute for Sexual Health Association (CİSED) Chairman Cem felt, was to advise going for the summer.
Cem Felt, in his written statement, from the pool and the sea most of the genital yeast infection is transmitted disease, saying said:
Dirty pool''as well as fungal infections of the genital typhoid, hepatitis A and E, dysentery and paratyphoid fever, such as diarrhea, the germs do, eye, ear, nose, throat, and fungal infections, scabies and skin diseases can be transmitted. Pool or the sea for pleasure is not done in the hospital they enter our citizens to be sure of the cleanliness of the pool are warned. The pool water circulation of more preferred is recommended. Because the pollution level is high enough to clear the beaches and pools are not dangerous.''
Because it is salty sea water into the pool of life than microbes, indicating that the seal is difficult, the following was stated:
But''dirty, surface swimming in the sea foam green and not in appearance. However, in this sense to the pool should be more careful. Because the pools of stagnant water can be contaminated easily because it is easier to produce and microbes, germs, hygiene rules to be controlled must be very careful.''
Do not sit with WET Mayo
From the pool or the sea, some small measures of infections due to negligible indicating that Felt, was found in the following warning:
Wet bathing suit,''Wait, not being dry enough, not to change clothes frequently, clean and hygienic without toilet without the use of the pool, and tight clothes are made of nylon used to issue an invitation to the disease. Wet or damp environment in our body who is already too little moisture and dampness can not find the complaint did not cause fungal reproduction by increasing the itching, cheese cut in the style of a white discharge, redness, genitals burning and irritation sensation makes up.''Felt, taking a shower before entering the water body is very important to be cleaned thoroughly, saying said:
''A and B vaccine should not send kids to the pool. Do not eat anything at the edges of the pool, do not smoke. Had fever or diarrhea when you do not enter the pool. Use the bone. Do not spit into the water. Pool area, with shoes or slippers may be worn out do not enter. Dip your feet in an antiseptic to disinfect the water. Be careful not to swallow the pool water. Use ear plugs against ear infections. Hold your nose and jumped into the water. Sewage in the sea areas close to the areas involved, do not swim after heavy rains.''
* New news
* AA
* Check-in Time: 06/03/2010 11:43
Updated: 03/06/2010 11:48
Institute for Sexual Health Association (CİSED) Chairman Cem felt, was to advise going for the summer.
Cem Felt, in his written statement, from the pool and the sea most of the genital yeast infection is transmitted disease, saying said:
Dirty pool''as well as fungal infections of the genital typhoid, hepatitis A and E, dysentery and paratyphoid fever, such as diarrhea, the germs do, eye, ear, nose, throat, and fungal infections, scabies and skin diseases can be transmitted. Pool or the sea for pleasure is not done in the hospital they enter our citizens to be sure of the cleanliness of the pool are warned. The pool water circulation of more preferred is recommended. Because the pollution level is high enough to clear the beaches and pools are not dangerous.''
Because it is salty sea water into the pool of life than microbes, indicating that the seal is difficult, the following was stated:
But''dirty, surface swimming in the sea foam green and not in appearance. However, in this sense to the pool should be more careful. Because the pools of stagnant water can be contaminated easily because it is easier to produce and microbes, germs, hygiene rules to be controlled must be very careful.''
Do not sit with WET Mayo
From the pool or the sea, some small measures of infections due to negligible indicating that Felt, was found in the following warning:
Wet bathing suit,''Wait, not being dry enough, not to change clothes frequently, clean and hygienic without toilet without the use of the pool, and tight clothes are made of nylon used to issue an invitation to the disease. Wet or damp environment in our body who is already too little moisture and dampness can not find the complaint did not cause fungal reproduction by increasing the itching, cheese cut in the style of a white discharge, redness, genitals burning and irritation sensation makes up.''Felt, taking a shower before entering the water body is very important to be cleaned thoroughly, saying said:
''A and B vaccine should not send kids to the pool. Do not eat anything at the edges of the pool, do not smoke. Had fever or diarrhea when you do not enter the pool. Use the bone. Do not spit into the water. Pool area, with shoes or slippers may be worn out do not enter. Dip your feet in an antiseptic to disinfect the water. Be careful not to swallow the pool water. Use ear plugs against ear infections. Hold your nose and jumped into the water. Sewage in the sea areas close to the areas involved, do not swim after heavy rains.''
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Pay attention to sun spots!
Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU) Faculty of Medicine, Associate professor, Department of Dermatology. Dr. Semsettin Khan, to protect themselves from the sun's harmful rays of the proposed protective, providing full protection of public as opposed to the usual he said.
Assoc. Dr. Semsettin Khan, sunscreen is safe to say that it was impossible to absolute expression, this protection is at least more than 10 chemical compounds, he said.
In the United States made some research sunscreen effects of known about some of the information opposite direction results, which explains Khan,''recent works, sun guard protection to believe in the sun for longer stay due to disease emergence increases in the direction''he said.
PERMANENT dermatologist who sunbathe on the beach''is SICK HAVE''
Sunbathing on the beach is not rational to express the view that Khan, gave the following information:
Sunbathing on the beach''to account when the results are not wise in any way. Since these people are from middle-age patients with dermatologists are permanent. Light-skinned one, how much protection you'll never get used if a situation it can not adequately protected from the sun. For protection from the sun's rays as a result, many compounds used products are kept within. This product is absolutely safe products that are not clear. Sometimes these products due to allergic reactions can occur. Users to be aware in this regard and should be preferred brand is reliable.''
Both seasonally and geographically different areas in our country, stating that the sun rays differ Assoc. Dr. Khan, coastal settlements in the harmful effects of solar radiation that is not only in summer as in winter months to continue the violent, he said.
Assoc. Dr. Semsettin Khan, sunscreen is safe to say that it was impossible to absolute expression, this protection is at least more than 10 chemical compounds, he said.
In the United States made some research sunscreen effects of known about some of the information opposite direction results, which explains Khan,''recent works, sun guard protection to believe in the sun for longer stay due to disease emergence increases in the direction''he said.
PERMANENT dermatologist who sunbathe on the beach''is SICK HAVE''
Sunbathing on the beach is not rational to express the view that Khan, gave the following information:
Sunbathing on the beach''to account when the results are not wise in any way. Since these people are from middle-age patients with dermatologists are permanent. Light-skinned one, how much protection you'll never get used if a situation it can not adequately protected from the sun. For protection from the sun's rays as a result, many compounds used products are kept within. This product is absolutely safe products that are not clear. Sometimes these products due to allergic reactions can occur. Users to be aware in this regard and should be preferred brand is reliable.''
Both seasonally and geographically different areas in our country, stating that the sun rays differ Assoc. Dr. Khan, coastal settlements in the harmful effects of solar radiation that is not only in summer as in winter months to continue the violent, he said.
Was given the blue flag beaches
Turkey Environment Education Foundation, organized by the National Blue Flag Töreni''nde'',''314 beaches and 14 marinas were awarded Blue Flag''.
National Blue Flag Ceremony, Mugla Sarigerme County coast by the middle SARÇED beach, Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) and central coordination was done by the District with the support.
Speaking at the ceremony that Turkey Environment Education Foundation Chairman Reza Epikmen, in 2010, 314 beaches, 14 marinas and nine yacht''Blue Flag Award granted and said,''this issue with the 2009 year, compared to an 11 increase happened. Northern hemisphere countries in 2010 and two thousand 884 and 627 marina beaches 'blue flag' is flying.''He said. Only the''Blue Flag beaches, the sea, but also a symbol of the cleansing quality of life is the symbol''said Epikmen, said:
As the number of''Blue Flag beaches in Turkey are used safely, clean, and will continue to be sensitive to the environment. With pride and happiness that we have come to this day. I want to thank everyone who contributed. Our country in the world in 2010 with 314 blue flag beaches Spain, Greece and France after the 4 takes place. The quality of the beach is in the first place''
Mugla Governor Fatah Hawk hosted the ceremony honored to be expressed as,''The distinction represents quality. To these pillars of our institutions, our facilities, our beaches have proved their high quality and standards. Sustainability of this quality should be our main goal and gradually increase. Not to compromise on quality in tourism and to think long-term issue that must be emphasized. The path to success in tourism, as in all matters of state and nation will be the co-operation. We as a county, state of the road as we are always ready to open. The winner of the pillars of this opportunity and deserves all our factory in Turkey, congratulations to our organization.''He said.
Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) Chairman Cengiz Ilhan is discarded and the squalid conditions in a coastal high-quality way for public use provided they are pointing,''this, completely local in our hotel our and our people's contributions are. We have fulfilled the task falls on us. International standards of cleanliness and safety is emblematic of the 'Blue Flag' award, the 4th Beach Sarigerme People Once we receive show's success. We're living with this honor. We will continue to protect this symbol,''he said. Following the speeches at the ceremony,''''The Blue Flag was given.
National Blue Flag Ceremony, Mugla Sarigerme County coast by the middle SARÇED beach, Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) and central coordination was done by the District with the support.
Speaking at the ceremony that Turkey Environment Education Foundation Chairman Reza Epikmen, in 2010, 314 beaches, 14 marinas and nine yacht''Blue Flag Award granted and said,''this issue with the 2009 year, compared to an 11 increase happened. Northern hemisphere countries in 2010 and two thousand 884 and 627 marina beaches 'blue flag' is flying.''He said. Only the''Blue Flag beaches, the sea, but also a symbol of the cleansing quality of life is the symbol''said Epikmen, said:
As the number of''Blue Flag beaches in Turkey are used safely, clean, and will continue to be sensitive to the environment. With pride and happiness that we have come to this day. I want to thank everyone who contributed. Our country in the world in 2010 with 314 blue flag beaches Spain, Greece and France after the 4 takes place. The quality of the beach is in the first place''
Mugla Governor Fatah Hawk hosted the ceremony honored to be expressed as,''The distinction represents quality. To these pillars of our institutions, our facilities, our beaches have proved their high quality and standards. Sustainability of this quality should be our main goal and gradually increase. Not to compromise on quality in tourism and to think long-term issue that must be emphasized. The path to success in tourism, as in all matters of state and nation will be the co-operation. We as a county, state of the road as we are always ready to open. The winner of the pillars of this opportunity and deserves all our factory in Turkey, congratulations to our organization.''He said.
Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) Chairman Cengiz Ilhan is discarded and the squalid conditions in a coastal high-quality way for public use provided they are pointing,''this, completely local in our hotel our and our people's contributions are. We have fulfilled the task falls on us. International standards of cleanliness and safety is emblematic of the 'Blue Flag' award, the 4th Beach Sarigerme People Once we receive show's success. We're living with this honor. We will continue to protect this symbol,''he said. Following the speeches at the ceremony,''''The Blue Flag was given.
Holiday habits of the Turks ...
GFK survey of travel in Turkey, Turkish holiday when evaluating ways in Turkey, one out of every two people (51 percent), vacation plans were not revealed.
The world's 4th largest by the research group GfK Group Travel Survey conducted in 16 countries, the results were made public.
GfK Turkey in this regard, according to research by the 16 provinces in Turkey, one of every two people (51 percent) have no intention of having a holiday.
Considering the average of 16 countries who do not plan to vacation at 39 per cent held 42 per cent while the European average
The budget allocated to vacation in Turkey every three persons in one 0-plans to spend between 1,000 TL. Europe and the world seems to leave on vacation budget further. World, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands spent the most money for the holiday takes place between the countries.
If we look at the period of leave on vacation in Turkey, European countries and the world on vacation one or two weeks of the weight seems to be separating. Netherlands vacation, most time has come forward as separate countries. One of every three Dutch people would do is at least 4 weeks vacation. Indicating that less than a week to take a vacation that most of the countries, 19 percent in the U.S., in Italy 18 per cent level.
Go on vacation with family members seems more. One of every 10 people go on vacation alone, the report says. According to age groups of people who are on vacation outlet seems to change. In the 14-29 age group in Turkey and other family members with large families on holiday, while 43 percent of those, 15 percent of this figure in the world, has fallen 11 percent in Europe.
Looking at Turkey's general behavior in the family vacation is more common than in Europe and the world seems.
In Turkey, 95 percent of survey participants prefer to stay in Turkey for a holiday.
Those who spend their holidays in their own country is a country other than the United States with 80 percent. Abroad prefer to come up with a rate of 78 percent among the countries Belgium, the Netherlands and 75 percent with 57 percent coming from Germany. When looking at the world average of 11 percent would prefer a section of the Southern European and Mediterranean countries, while this proportion rises to 19 percent in Europe.
Holidays in Turkey is also swimming, cycling, walking activities, such as is preferred by more people, friends / family visit is ranked second.
Friend / relative visits indicate that the preferred rate of 25 percent in the U.S. Prefer to visit friends and relatives at least 2 percent of the country with 8 percent in Italy and Belgium.
The world's 4th largest by the research group GfK Group Travel Survey conducted in 16 countries, the results were made public.
GfK Turkey in this regard, according to research by the 16 provinces in Turkey, one of every two people (51 percent) have no intention of having a holiday.
Considering the average of 16 countries who do not plan to vacation at 39 per cent held 42 per cent while the European average
The budget allocated to vacation in Turkey every three persons in one 0-plans to spend between 1,000 TL. Europe and the world seems to leave on vacation budget further. World, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands spent the most money for the holiday takes place between the countries.
If we look at the period of leave on vacation in Turkey, European countries and the world on vacation one or two weeks of the weight seems to be separating. Netherlands vacation, most time has come forward as separate countries. One of every three Dutch people would do is at least 4 weeks vacation. Indicating that less than a week to take a vacation that most of the countries, 19 percent in the U.S., in Italy 18 per cent level.
Go on vacation with family members seems more. One of every 10 people go on vacation alone, the report says. According to age groups of people who are on vacation outlet seems to change. In the 14-29 age group in Turkey and other family members with large families on holiday, while 43 percent of those, 15 percent of this figure in the world, has fallen 11 percent in Europe.
Looking at Turkey's general behavior in the family vacation is more common than in Europe and the world seems.
In Turkey, 95 percent of survey participants prefer to stay in Turkey for a holiday.
Those who spend their holidays in their own country is a country other than the United States with 80 percent. Abroad prefer to come up with a rate of 78 percent among the countries Belgium, the Netherlands and 75 percent with 57 percent coming from Germany. When looking at the world average of 11 percent would prefer a section of the Southern European and Mediterranean countries, while this proportion rises to 19 percent in Europe.
Holidays in Turkey is also swimming, cycling, walking activities, such as is preferred by more people, friends / family visit is ranked second.
Friend / relative visits indicate that the preferred rate of 25 percent in the U.S. Prefer to visit friends and relatives at least 2 percent of the country with 8 percent in Italy and Belgium.
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The number of tourists reached 8 million
The number of tourists coming to Turkey in the months of January to May, according to the same period last year 10.14 as luxury increased, reaching 8 million 70 thousand 558'e. Germany, 15.61 percent ² sending country, while slicing up tourists, 9:17 per cent with the second Iran, Russia took third place with 8:40.
Compiled from the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, according to the 2010 January-May period, the number of foreigners visiting Turkey last year same period, according to 10:14 per cent rise. During this period 347 thousand of visitors from 75 excursionist created.
The three countries sending visitors to Turkey up 15.61 percent and Germany, 9:17 per cent and Iran, and Russia was 8:40 per cent. These countries are Britain, Bulgaria, Georgia, Netherlands, Syria, France and Greece followed.
In January-May period, from 1 million 259 thousand 455 Germany, 803 from Iran and 739 thousand, 678 thousand 130 people came to Turkey from Russia.
To Turkey in May, the number of tourists, last year's same month, according to the percentage of 15.77 'lik increase of 3 million 147 thousand 492 oldu.Ocak-May period, the number of tourists, of 2009, the same period, according to the percentage of 10:14 with an increase of 8 million 70 thousand 558 'e ulaştı.Yılın of foreign visitors arriving in Turkey in four months they sign up to the border province of the first ranking in Istanbul, Antalya, second, Edirne, was third.
Compiled from the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, according to the 2010 January-May period, the number of foreigners visiting Turkey last year same period, according to 10:14 per cent rise. During this period 347 thousand of visitors from 75 excursionist created.
The three countries sending visitors to Turkey up 15.61 percent and Germany, 9:17 per cent and Iran, and Russia was 8:40 per cent. These countries are Britain, Bulgaria, Georgia, Netherlands, Syria, France and Greece followed.
In January-May period, from 1 million 259 thousand 455 Germany, 803 from Iran and 739 thousand, 678 thousand 130 people came to Turkey from Russia.
To Turkey in May, the number of tourists, last year's same month, according to the percentage of 15.77 'lik increase of 3 million 147 thousand 492 oldu.Ocak-May period, the number of tourists, of 2009, the same period, according to the percentage of 10:14 with an increase of 8 million 70 thousand 558 'e ulaştı.Yılın of foreign visitors arriving in Turkey in four months they sign up to the border province of the first ranking in Istanbul, Antalya, second, Edirne, was third.
holiday agenda
As every summer, the resort end of this year we can make per task. I was late for a summer action can be considered. In addition to air temperatures of my life, I live in the warmth of my children mutluğ. Recreation is always nice. I am 30 years, state officials said the man did not leave even one day, I'm afraid, there is trouble in her soul, she is not a normal person
Our teachers at the school will be September 1, schools will be opened on September 20. After all, life does not stop holiday and business. Examinations Results placements, birth death marriages continues. Said to me during the summer holidays I was sad and thought-provoking look at a few interesting event.
· Both primary as well secondary examinations were performed. Results placed our students are very happy and mourn. I'm wondering if this year of school were the first. The first school is awarded each year by OSYM. They are also separate special contingency OSYM. Unfortunately, despite all this, the first of each year the school stays open. Moreover, for some years, this number exceeds a thousand.
Paid teacher in the district of Tekirdağ Corlu · the 44-year-old Ahmet Phase Acts, by porter carrying books to school at the time of the suffered a heart attack and died. Ambassador Ahmet Phase teachers at the school's entering classes in the period gained 700 pounds, also started during the summer said that all worked. For lack of teachers in summer courses and 40 pounds can not make money make money porter was learned.
Fees and expenses to remove · University in Istanbul Mugla University students who work with 30 pounds per diem, Omer Cetin, fell from the third floor of the building died.
· Last five years have increased 40 percent while divorce, child I'll take the fight because of economic distress, the boy turned to Keep fighting. Now instituted proceedings to get custody of the child's parents now have custody of the child and they had to sue to take over. (Journal News)
· We are in the early months of searching newspaper headline: COMMUNITY Professor at the verge of insanity. Dr. Ozkan Pektas, although not experiencing a frenzy of social limits is quite difficult to assess.
Porter before making their dreams become a teacher of teachers in the Phase Ambassadors, has a vocation to be a porter for the university to end the 20-year-old student who bewail Omer
Due to the increasing divorce obvious candidate to be a criminal in the country was prepared to do to children, ready to fight when we went into the street, you think people in the explosion of anger
Let's think about what you think, does not work
Our teachers at the school will be September 1, schools will be opened on September 20. After all, life does not stop holiday and business. Examinations Results placements, birth death marriages continues. Said to me during the summer holidays I was sad and thought-provoking look at a few interesting event.
· Both primary as well secondary examinations were performed. Results placed our students are very happy and mourn. I'm wondering if this year of school were the first. The first school is awarded each year by OSYM. They are also separate special contingency OSYM. Unfortunately, despite all this, the first of each year the school stays open. Moreover, for some years, this number exceeds a thousand.
Paid teacher in the district of Tekirdağ Corlu · the 44-year-old Ahmet Phase Acts, by porter carrying books to school at the time of the suffered a heart attack and died. Ambassador Ahmet Phase teachers at the school's entering classes in the period gained 700 pounds, also started during the summer said that all worked. For lack of teachers in summer courses and 40 pounds can not make money make money porter was learned.
Fees and expenses to remove · University in Istanbul Mugla University students who work with 30 pounds per diem, Omer Cetin, fell from the third floor of the building died.
· Last five years have increased 40 percent while divorce, child I'll take the fight because of economic distress, the boy turned to Keep fighting. Now instituted proceedings to get custody of the child's parents now have custody of the child and they had to sue to take over. (Journal News)
· We are in the early months of searching newspaper headline: COMMUNITY Professor at the verge of insanity. Dr. Ozkan Pektas, although not experiencing a frenzy of social limits is quite difficult to assess.
Porter before making their dreams become a teacher of teachers in the Phase Ambassadors, has a vocation to be a porter for the university to end the 20-year-old student who bewail Omer
Due to the increasing divorce obvious candidate to be a criminal in the country was prepared to do to children, ready to fight when we went into the street, you think people in the explosion of anger
Let's think about what you think, does not work
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