Denizli Governor Yavuz Erkmen, stated the city does not consist only in Pamukkale,''came here, we aim to benefit from medical tourism,''he said.
Erkmen, UNESCO's World Heritage List in Pamukkale, Denizli's a brand is, but the addition of Pamukkale and Karahayıt towns in the thermal springs with the province's major health tourism potential is pointed out.
City tourism related to the concept of health care to emphasize that they expressed the Erkmen, said:Health tourism in the City''seems to be a very important place. Karahayıt'a Pamukkale and the only ancient travertine or not seeing the tissue, taking advantage of thermal and health tourism in the sense that we want to choose here. Health tourism in the City's take from day to day, we see very significant.''
Tourism development and diversification in line with the city's efforts to increase bed capacity, which they describe Erkmen, aims to improve the quality of the reported number of beds.In terms of Denizli, Turkey's most beautiful tourist destinations Erkmen, Governor noted,''Each side smells of history and culture. Natural beauty is one of the places to be seen''he said.
Governor Yavuz Erkmen, City's climate and geographical features, because tourism diversity-rich province is also pointing,''Provincial our priorities on the one hand we have the beauty will see the other side of Denizli, this unique textile products can participate. Shopping in the City's tourism should not be ignored as one of the places I need to see,''he said.
Erkmen, famous for its weaving Buldan's shopping is a great opportunity for tourism to save,''Born in Denizli, tap, just like home Buldan Safranbolu houses, combined with the weaving culture, adds a distinctive beauty. Especially women prefer shopping then we see Buldan. This adds a distinctive beauty to the City''he said.
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15 Eylül 2010 Çarşamba
Considered a holiday!
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* Check-in Time: 06/03/2010 11:43
Updated: 03/06/2010 11:48
Institute for Sexual Health Association (CİSED) Chairman Cem felt, was to advise going for the summer.
Cem Felt, in his written statement, from the pool and the sea most of the genital yeast infection is transmitted disease, saying said:
Dirty pool''as well as fungal infections of the genital typhoid, hepatitis A and E, dysentery and paratyphoid fever, such as diarrhea, the germs do, eye, ear, nose, throat, and fungal infections, scabies and skin diseases can be transmitted. Pool or the sea for pleasure is not done in the hospital they enter our citizens to be sure of the cleanliness of the pool are warned. The pool water circulation of more preferred is recommended. Because the pollution level is high enough to clear the beaches and pools are not dangerous.''
Because it is salty sea water into the pool of life than microbes, indicating that the seal is difficult, the following was stated:
But''dirty, surface swimming in the sea foam green and not in appearance. However, in this sense to the pool should be more careful. Because the pools of stagnant water can be contaminated easily because it is easier to produce and microbes, germs, hygiene rules to be controlled must be very careful.''
Do not sit with WET Mayo
From the pool or the sea, some small measures of infections due to negligible indicating that Felt, was found in the following warning:
Wet bathing suit,''Wait, not being dry enough, not to change clothes frequently, clean and hygienic without toilet without the use of the pool, and tight clothes are made of nylon used to issue an invitation to the disease. Wet or damp environment in our body who is already too little moisture and dampness can not find the complaint did not cause fungal reproduction by increasing the itching, cheese cut in the style of a white discharge, redness, genitals burning and irritation sensation makes up.''Felt, taking a shower before entering the water body is very important to be cleaned thoroughly, saying said:
''A and B vaccine should not send kids to the pool. Do not eat anything at the edges of the pool, do not smoke. Had fever or diarrhea when you do not enter the pool. Use the bone. Do not spit into the water. Pool area, with shoes or slippers may be worn out do not enter. Dip your feet in an antiseptic to disinfect the water. Be careful not to swallow the pool water. Use ear plugs against ear infections. Hold your nose and jumped into the water. Sewage in the sea areas close to the areas involved, do not swim after heavy rains.''
* New news
* AA
* Check-in Time: 06/03/2010 11:43
Updated: 03/06/2010 11:48
Institute for Sexual Health Association (CİSED) Chairman Cem felt, was to advise going for the summer.
Cem Felt, in his written statement, from the pool and the sea most of the genital yeast infection is transmitted disease, saying said:
Dirty pool''as well as fungal infections of the genital typhoid, hepatitis A and E, dysentery and paratyphoid fever, such as diarrhea, the germs do, eye, ear, nose, throat, and fungal infections, scabies and skin diseases can be transmitted. Pool or the sea for pleasure is not done in the hospital they enter our citizens to be sure of the cleanliness of the pool are warned. The pool water circulation of more preferred is recommended. Because the pollution level is high enough to clear the beaches and pools are not dangerous.''
Because it is salty sea water into the pool of life than microbes, indicating that the seal is difficult, the following was stated:
But''dirty, surface swimming in the sea foam green and not in appearance. However, in this sense to the pool should be more careful. Because the pools of stagnant water can be contaminated easily because it is easier to produce and microbes, germs, hygiene rules to be controlled must be very careful.''
Do not sit with WET Mayo
From the pool or the sea, some small measures of infections due to negligible indicating that Felt, was found in the following warning:
Wet bathing suit,''Wait, not being dry enough, not to change clothes frequently, clean and hygienic without toilet without the use of the pool, and tight clothes are made of nylon used to issue an invitation to the disease. Wet or damp environment in our body who is already too little moisture and dampness can not find the complaint did not cause fungal reproduction by increasing the itching, cheese cut in the style of a white discharge, redness, genitals burning and irritation sensation makes up.''Felt, taking a shower before entering the water body is very important to be cleaned thoroughly, saying said:
''A and B vaccine should not send kids to the pool. Do not eat anything at the edges of the pool, do not smoke. Had fever or diarrhea when you do not enter the pool. Use the bone. Do not spit into the water. Pool area, with shoes or slippers may be worn out do not enter. Dip your feet in an antiseptic to disinfect the water. Be careful not to swallow the pool water. Use ear plugs against ear infections. Hold your nose and jumped into the water. Sewage in the sea areas close to the areas involved, do not swim after heavy rains.''
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Pay attention to sun spots!
Afyon Kocatepe University (AKU) Faculty of Medicine, Associate professor, Department of Dermatology. Dr. Semsettin Khan, to protect themselves from the sun's harmful rays of the proposed protective, providing full protection of public as opposed to the usual he said.
Assoc. Dr. Semsettin Khan, sunscreen is safe to say that it was impossible to absolute expression, this protection is at least more than 10 chemical compounds, he said.
In the United States made some research sunscreen effects of known about some of the information opposite direction results, which explains Khan,''recent works, sun guard protection to believe in the sun for longer stay due to disease emergence increases in the direction''he said.
PERMANENT dermatologist who sunbathe on the beach''is SICK HAVE''
Sunbathing on the beach is not rational to express the view that Khan, gave the following information:
Sunbathing on the beach''to account when the results are not wise in any way. Since these people are from middle-age patients with dermatologists are permanent. Light-skinned one, how much protection you'll never get used if a situation it can not adequately protected from the sun. For protection from the sun's rays as a result, many compounds used products are kept within. This product is absolutely safe products that are not clear. Sometimes these products due to allergic reactions can occur. Users to be aware in this regard and should be preferred brand is reliable.''
Both seasonally and geographically different areas in our country, stating that the sun rays differ Assoc. Dr. Khan, coastal settlements in the harmful effects of solar radiation that is not only in summer as in winter months to continue the violent, he said.
Assoc. Dr. Semsettin Khan, sunscreen is safe to say that it was impossible to absolute expression, this protection is at least more than 10 chemical compounds, he said.
In the United States made some research sunscreen effects of known about some of the information opposite direction results, which explains Khan,''recent works, sun guard protection to believe in the sun for longer stay due to disease emergence increases in the direction''he said.
PERMANENT dermatologist who sunbathe on the beach''is SICK HAVE''
Sunbathing on the beach is not rational to express the view that Khan, gave the following information:
Sunbathing on the beach''to account when the results are not wise in any way. Since these people are from middle-age patients with dermatologists are permanent. Light-skinned one, how much protection you'll never get used if a situation it can not adequately protected from the sun. For protection from the sun's rays as a result, many compounds used products are kept within. This product is absolutely safe products that are not clear. Sometimes these products due to allergic reactions can occur. Users to be aware in this regard and should be preferred brand is reliable.''
Both seasonally and geographically different areas in our country, stating that the sun rays differ Assoc. Dr. Khan, coastal settlements in the harmful effects of solar radiation that is not only in summer as in winter months to continue the violent, he said.
Was given the blue flag beaches
Turkey Environment Education Foundation, organized by the National Blue Flag Töreni''nde'',''314 beaches and 14 marinas were awarded Blue Flag''.
National Blue Flag Ceremony, Mugla Sarigerme County coast by the middle SARÇED beach, Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) and central coordination was done by the District with the support.
Speaking at the ceremony that Turkey Environment Education Foundation Chairman Reza Epikmen, in 2010, 314 beaches, 14 marinas and nine yacht''Blue Flag Award granted and said,''this issue with the 2009 year, compared to an 11 increase happened. Northern hemisphere countries in 2010 and two thousand 884 and 627 marina beaches 'blue flag' is flying.''He said. Only the''Blue Flag beaches, the sea, but also a symbol of the cleansing quality of life is the symbol''said Epikmen, said:
As the number of''Blue Flag beaches in Turkey are used safely, clean, and will continue to be sensitive to the environment. With pride and happiness that we have come to this day. I want to thank everyone who contributed. Our country in the world in 2010 with 314 blue flag beaches Spain, Greece and France after the 4 takes place. The quality of the beach is in the first place''
Mugla Governor Fatah Hawk hosted the ceremony honored to be expressed as,''The distinction represents quality. To these pillars of our institutions, our facilities, our beaches have proved their high quality and standards. Sustainability of this quality should be our main goal and gradually increase. Not to compromise on quality in tourism and to think long-term issue that must be emphasized. The path to success in tourism, as in all matters of state and nation will be the co-operation. We as a county, state of the road as we are always ready to open. The winner of the pillars of this opportunity and deserves all our factory in Turkey, congratulations to our organization.''He said.
Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) Chairman Cengiz Ilhan is discarded and the squalid conditions in a coastal high-quality way for public use provided they are pointing,''this, completely local in our hotel our and our people's contributions are. We have fulfilled the task falls on us. International standards of cleanliness and safety is emblematic of the 'Blue Flag' award, the 4th Beach Sarigerme People Once we receive show's success. We're living with this honor. We will continue to protect this symbol,''he said. Following the speeches at the ceremony,''''The Blue Flag was given.
National Blue Flag Ceremony, Mugla Sarigerme County coast by the middle SARÇED beach, Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) and central coordination was done by the District with the support.
Speaking at the ceremony that Turkey Environment Education Foundation Chairman Reza Epikmen, in 2010, 314 beaches, 14 marinas and nine yacht''Blue Flag Award granted and said,''this issue with the 2009 year, compared to an 11 increase happened. Northern hemisphere countries in 2010 and two thousand 884 and 627 marina beaches 'blue flag' is flying.''He said. Only the''Blue Flag beaches, the sea, but also a symbol of the cleansing quality of life is the symbol''said Epikmen, said:
As the number of''Blue Flag beaches in Turkey are used safely, clean, and will continue to be sensitive to the environment. With pride and happiness that we have come to this day. I want to thank everyone who contributed. Our country in the world in 2010 with 314 blue flag beaches Spain, Greece and France after the 4 takes place. The quality of the beach is in the first place''
Mugla Governor Fatah Hawk hosted the ceremony honored to be expressed as,''The distinction represents quality. To these pillars of our institutions, our facilities, our beaches have proved their high quality and standards. Sustainability of this quality should be our main goal and gradually increase. Not to compromise on quality in tourism and to think long-term issue that must be emphasized. The path to success in tourism, as in all matters of state and nation will be the co-operation. We as a county, state of the road as we are always ready to open. The winner of the pillars of this opportunity and deserves all our factory in Turkey, congratulations to our organization.''He said.
Sarigerme Environmental Education Association (SARÇED) Chairman Cengiz Ilhan is discarded and the squalid conditions in a coastal high-quality way for public use provided they are pointing,''this, completely local in our hotel our and our people's contributions are. We have fulfilled the task falls on us. International standards of cleanliness and safety is emblematic of the 'Blue Flag' award, the 4th Beach Sarigerme People Once we receive show's success. We're living with this honor. We will continue to protect this symbol,''he said. Following the speeches at the ceremony,''''The Blue Flag was given.
Holiday habits of the Turks ...
GFK survey of travel in Turkey, Turkish holiday when evaluating ways in Turkey, one out of every two people (51 percent), vacation plans were not revealed.
The world's 4th largest by the research group GfK Group Travel Survey conducted in 16 countries, the results were made public.
GfK Turkey in this regard, according to research by the 16 provinces in Turkey, one of every two people (51 percent) have no intention of having a holiday.
Considering the average of 16 countries who do not plan to vacation at 39 per cent held 42 per cent while the European average
The budget allocated to vacation in Turkey every three persons in one 0-plans to spend between 1,000 TL. Europe and the world seems to leave on vacation budget further. World, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands spent the most money for the holiday takes place between the countries.
If we look at the period of leave on vacation in Turkey, European countries and the world on vacation one or two weeks of the weight seems to be separating. Netherlands vacation, most time has come forward as separate countries. One of every three Dutch people would do is at least 4 weeks vacation. Indicating that less than a week to take a vacation that most of the countries, 19 percent in the U.S., in Italy 18 per cent level.
Go on vacation with family members seems more. One of every 10 people go on vacation alone, the report says. According to age groups of people who are on vacation outlet seems to change. In the 14-29 age group in Turkey and other family members with large families on holiday, while 43 percent of those, 15 percent of this figure in the world, has fallen 11 percent in Europe.
Looking at Turkey's general behavior in the family vacation is more common than in Europe and the world seems.
In Turkey, 95 percent of survey participants prefer to stay in Turkey for a holiday.
Those who spend their holidays in their own country is a country other than the United States with 80 percent. Abroad prefer to come up with a rate of 78 percent among the countries Belgium, the Netherlands and 75 percent with 57 percent coming from Germany. When looking at the world average of 11 percent would prefer a section of the Southern European and Mediterranean countries, while this proportion rises to 19 percent in Europe.
Holidays in Turkey is also swimming, cycling, walking activities, such as is preferred by more people, friends / family visit is ranked second.
Friend / relative visits indicate that the preferred rate of 25 percent in the U.S. Prefer to visit friends and relatives at least 2 percent of the country with 8 percent in Italy and Belgium.
The world's 4th largest by the research group GfK Group Travel Survey conducted in 16 countries, the results were made public.
GfK Turkey in this regard, according to research by the 16 provinces in Turkey, one of every two people (51 percent) have no intention of having a holiday.
Considering the average of 16 countries who do not plan to vacation at 39 per cent held 42 per cent while the European average
The budget allocated to vacation in Turkey every three persons in one 0-plans to spend between 1,000 TL. Europe and the world seems to leave on vacation budget further. World, Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands spent the most money for the holiday takes place between the countries.
If we look at the period of leave on vacation in Turkey, European countries and the world on vacation one or two weeks of the weight seems to be separating. Netherlands vacation, most time has come forward as separate countries. One of every three Dutch people would do is at least 4 weeks vacation. Indicating that less than a week to take a vacation that most of the countries, 19 percent in the U.S., in Italy 18 per cent level.
Go on vacation with family members seems more. One of every 10 people go on vacation alone, the report says. According to age groups of people who are on vacation outlet seems to change. In the 14-29 age group in Turkey and other family members with large families on holiday, while 43 percent of those, 15 percent of this figure in the world, has fallen 11 percent in Europe.
Looking at Turkey's general behavior in the family vacation is more common than in Europe and the world seems.
In Turkey, 95 percent of survey participants prefer to stay in Turkey for a holiday.
Those who spend their holidays in their own country is a country other than the United States with 80 percent. Abroad prefer to come up with a rate of 78 percent among the countries Belgium, the Netherlands and 75 percent with 57 percent coming from Germany. When looking at the world average of 11 percent would prefer a section of the Southern European and Mediterranean countries, while this proportion rises to 19 percent in Europe.
Holidays in Turkey is also swimming, cycling, walking activities, such as is preferred by more people, friends / family visit is ranked second.
Friend / relative visits indicate that the preferred rate of 25 percent in the U.S. Prefer to visit friends and relatives at least 2 percent of the country with 8 percent in Italy and Belgium.
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The number of tourists reached 8 million
The number of tourists coming to Turkey in the months of January to May, according to the same period last year 10.14 as luxury increased, reaching 8 million 70 thousand 558'e. Germany, 15.61 percent ² sending country, while slicing up tourists, 9:17 per cent with the second Iran, Russia took third place with 8:40.
Compiled from the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, according to the 2010 January-May period, the number of foreigners visiting Turkey last year same period, according to 10:14 per cent rise. During this period 347 thousand of visitors from 75 excursionist created.
The three countries sending visitors to Turkey up 15.61 percent and Germany, 9:17 per cent and Iran, and Russia was 8:40 per cent. These countries are Britain, Bulgaria, Georgia, Netherlands, Syria, France and Greece followed.
In January-May period, from 1 million 259 thousand 455 Germany, 803 from Iran and 739 thousand, 678 thousand 130 people came to Turkey from Russia.
To Turkey in May, the number of tourists, last year's same month, according to the percentage of 15.77 'lik increase of 3 million 147 thousand 492 oldu.Ocak-May period, the number of tourists, of 2009, the same period, according to the percentage of 10:14 with an increase of 8 million 70 thousand 558 'e ulaştı.Yılın of foreign visitors arriving in Turkey in four months they sign up to the border province of the first ranking in Istanbul, Antalya, second, Edirne, was third.
Compiled from the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, according to the 2010 January-May period, the number of foreigners visiting Turkey last year same period, according to 10:14 per cent rise. During this period 347 thousand of visitors from 75 excursionist created.
The three countries sending visitors to Turkey up 15.61 percent and Germany, 9:17 per cent and Iran, and Russia was 8:40 per cent. These countries are Britain, Bulgaria, Georgia, Netherlands, Syria, France and Greece followed.
In January-May period, from 1 million 259 thousand 455 Germany, 803 from Iran and 739 thousand, 678 thousand 130 people came to Turkey from Russia.
To Turkey in May, the number of tourists, last year's same month, according to the percentage of 15.77 'lik increase of 3 million 147 thousand 492 oldu.Ocak-May period, the number of tourists, of 2009, the same period, according to the percentage of 10:14 with an increase of 8 million 70 thousand 558 'e ulaştı.Yılın of foreign visitors arriving in Turkey in four months they sign up to the border province of the first ranking in Istanbul, Antalya, second, Edirne, was third.
holiday agenda
As every summer, the resort end of this year we can make per task. I was late for a summer action can be considered. In addition to air temperatures of my life, I live in the warmth of my children mutluğ. Recreation is always nice. I am 30 years, state officials said the man did not leave even one day, I'm afraid, there is trouble in her soul, she is not a normal person
Our teachers at the school will be September 1, schools will be opened on September 20. After all, life does not stop holiday and business. Examinations Results placements, birth death marriages continues. Said to me during the summer holidays I was sad and thought-provoking look at a few interesting event.
· Both primary as well secondary examinations were performed. Results placed our students are very happy and mourn. I'm wondering if this year of school were the first. The first school is awarded each year by OSYM. They are also separate special contingency OSYM. Unfortunately, despite all this, the first of each year the school stays open. Moreover, for some years, this number exceeds a thousand.
Paid teacher in the district of Tekirdağ Corlu · the 44-year-old Ahmet Phase Acts, by porter carrying books to school at the time of the suffered a heart attack and died. Ambassador Ahmet Phase teachers at the school's entering classes in the period gained 700 pounds, also started during the summer said that all worked. For lack of teachers in summer courses and 40 pounds can not make money make money porter was learned.
Fees and expenses to remove · University in Istanbul Mugla University students who work with 30 pounds per diem, Omer Cetin, fell from the third floor of the building died.
· Last five years have increased 40 percent while divorce, child I'll take the fight because of economic distress, the boy turned to Keep fighting. Now instituted proceedings to get custody of the child's parents now have custody of the child and they had to sue to take over. (Journal News)
· We are in the early months of searching newspaper headline: COMMUNITY Professor at the verge of insanity. Dr. Ozkan Pektas, although not experiencing a frenzy of social limits is quite difficult to assess.
Porter before making their dreams become a teacher of teachers in the Phase Ambassadors, has a vocation to be a porter for the university to end the 20-year-old student who bewail Omer
Due to the increasing divorce obvious candidate to be a criminal in the country was prepared to do to children, ready to fight when we went into the street, you think people in the explosion of anger
Let's think about what you think, does not work
Our teachers at the school will be September 1, schools will be opened on September 20. After all, life does not stop holiday and business. Examinations Results placements, birth death marriages continues. Said to me during the summer holidays I was sad and thought-provoking look at a few interesting event.
· Both primary as well secondary examinations were performed. Results placed our students are very happy and mourn. I'm wondering if this year of school were the first. The first school is awarded each year by OSYM. They are also separate special contingency OSYM. Unfortunately, despite all this, the first of each year the school stays open. Moreover, for some years, this number exceeds a thousand.
Paid teacher in the district of Tekirdağ Corlu · the 44-year-old Ahmet Phase Acts, by porter carrying books to school at the time of the suffered a heart attack and died. Ambassador Ahmet Phase teachers at the school's entering classes in the period gained 700 pounds, also started during the summer said that all worked. For lack of teachers in summer courses and 40 pounds can not make money make money porter was learned.
Fees and expenses to remove · University in Istanbul Mugla University students who work with 30 pounds per diem, Omer Cetin, fell from the third floor of the building died.
· Last five years have increased 40 percent while divorce, child I'll take the fight because of economic distress, the boy turned to Keep fighting. Now instituted proceedings to get custody of the child's parents now have custody of the child and they had to sue to take over. (Journal News)
· We are in the early months of searching newspaper headline: COMMUNITY Professor at the verge of insanity. Dr. Ozkan Pektas, although not experiencing a frenzy of social limits is quite difficult to assess.
Porter before making their dreams become a teacher of teachers in the Phase Ambassadors, has a vocation to be a porter for the university to end the 20-year-old student who bewail Omer
Due to the increasing divorce obvious candidate to be a criminal in the country was prepared to do to children, ready to fight when we went into the street, you think people in the explosion of anger
Let's think about what you think, does not work
14 Eylül 2010 Salı
How To Buy Jewelry shares our most important jewelry gift giving tips - from purchasing that dazzling diamond engagement ring to giving mom that perfect pearl strand. You'll never wonder how (and when) to buy fine jewelry again.
You can't wait to slip that engagement ring on her finger. You know mom will burst into tears at the sight of sapphires. Your friends will drool when you show off that right hand ring. There is no reason fine jewelry shopping should be anything but fun, informational and ultimately satisfying. But research shows consumers find buying fine jewelry one of the least enjoyable shopping experiences. is on a mission to change that.The following guide will not only tell you how to buy jewelry, but will give you gift giving tips every shopper should know before heading to the jewelry counter or making an online purchase. Our goal is to transform trepidation into confidence. Jewelry jitters be gone!
Know the facts:
We've all heard it before: knowledge is power. Buying jewelry can be one of the first major purchases in your lifetime, so it's important to know the facts before you face all the glitter. Click on the links below to educate yourself about gold, diamonds and gemstones. Thinking of popping the question? Be sure to check out our Bridal Tips as well. We promise it won't be as bad as algebra class.
Gift Giving
Jewelry can be the most important gift you give a loved one. Feeling the pressure? We understand. Guys, in particular, pay attention to the following gift giving tips. We guarantee you'll impress her with your remarkable taste and insight.Know your audience:
There's nothing like that look you get when you know you missed the mark. The slight grimace followed by the fake smile? The best way to avoid awkward gift giving is to study what your significant other likes. What does she usually wear? Has she complimented friends on their looks? You know how to make her laugh, you can surely pick up some tips on her personal style. Take notes and bring what you know on your shopping trip.
Know your budget:
There are many price points in the jewelry world - from $99 to $9999 and beyond. Don't get in over your head with a bauble that will break the bank or make her afraid to wear it. Also, bring what you learned about stone and metal quality to the store, so you won't be duped into thinking 'bigger is better'. Often, it's not.
Know her size (mainly for ring purchases):
There's nothing like wowing her with a diamond ring she'll just have to wait three weeks to wear. Guys, break out your inner sleuth for this one. Find a ring she currently wears, trace the inside and bring it to your jeweler. You can always size a ring, but delayed satisfaction doesn't always fly when it comes to jewelry.
Know the occasion:
- If you're not about commitment but want to impress her with a gift of jewelry, word to the wise: stay away from the ring category. A ring, no matter what the design, is loaded with symbolism that screams "I'm in it for the long haul." A nice pair of diamond studs might be the better choice in this case.
- Right Hand Rings are the perfect self-gifting occasion to celebrate a promotion, graduation, or 'just because'. It's also a great friend-to-friend or mother-to daughter gift. Think female power!
- The 'go big' calendar moments are of course Valentine's Day and the December holidays. If she's expecting a ring, and you're thinking peridot earrings to match her eyes?you might want to think again.
Even with all of's words to the wise, there is ultimately no guarantee your jewelry gift is going to hit a home run. Most stores - whether they are online or in the mall - have a return policy. Don't be afraid to ask your salesperson.
With a little preparation, education and thought, we guarantee buying jewelry will move decidedly from "a little better than a root canal" to "right up there with no calorie ice cream and winning the lottery". Happy Shopping!
Jewelry Basics
Tips for Men buying Jewelry for Women
Buying jewelry as a gift for your wife, girlfriend or significant other is one of the most thoughtful, meaningful and romantic gestures you can ever make. Few items can express your lasting love and devotion like a special ring, necklace, bracelet or pair of earrings. Jewelry's magic, mystique and enduring appeal make it a natural gift for special occasions and milestone events in her life.
But if you're like most guys, you probably know as much about buying jewelry as you do about brain surgery or rocket science. The good news is that shopping for an appropriate piece of jewelry for your special someone doesn't have to be an agonizing experience. Here are some basic tips to help you make the right buying decision:
Look in her jewelry box
You can learn a lot about the kind of jewelry she likes by seeing what she already wears. You'll get clues about her individual style, her favorite gems, and what may be missing from her jewelry wardrobe. You can also gauge things like her ring size and the necklace length she prefers. For instance, if she already owns a cherished pearl necklace, she's sure to love a matching pair of pearl earrings.
Consider her lifestyle and personality
If your wife or girlfriend is a hopeless romantic, it's a good bet that she'd like a heart-shaped pendant. If she's a conservative, casual type, stick to classic, everyday gold or diamond pieces like basic hoop earrings, diamond stud earrings, or link chains. You can also get charms representing virtually every profession, hobby or activity under the sun. But in general, remember that it's safer to stay away from cutting-edge designs or glitzy pieces that would only be appropriate for a night on the town unless you're absolutely sure she'd like them.
Ask around
Her mother, sister or best friend could definitely point you in the right direction about her jewelry needs and desires. If you'd prefer a more expert opinion, find out where she shops, and talk to her jeweler about what she's bought recently and what she's been looking at. And of course, you can go directly at the source. Next time you're at the mall together, buzz by some jewelry counters and take note of what catches her eye.
Do your homework
Nothing would be more embarrassing than buying your significant other a birthstone ring with the wrong birthstone! Make sure you know all the important dates in her life! Also, you certainly wouldn't want to buy her a bracelet with a clasp that breaks the first time she wears it, or a ring that turns her finger green. Educate yourself about jewelry quality.
Last but certainly not least remember that jewelry is an emotional purchase. Maximize the impact of your gift by giving it to her in a romantic setting or in an unexpected way. The key is to be original, and you'll create a memory that she'll cherish forever.
About is all about jewelry and where to buy it. helps you find the perfect jewel at an unbeatable price by providing expert jewelry advice, insider shopping tips, unbiased jewelry reviews and a comprehensive jewelry education. Only members receive exclusive discounts and deals from the country's leading stores, along with doorbuster deals on selected jewels, sale alert e-mails and's exclusive newsletter full of shopping tips, fashion updates and jewelry info. membership is your pass to sparkling savings on over 30,000 stunning jewels and is absolutely free. Whether you're looking for diamond rings, anniversary rings, gemstone and birthstone jewelry, watches or the latest jewelry style at the lowest price - is your sparkling online destination. From Pearls, Sapphires, Diamonds and Gold, to elegant earrings, brilliant bracelets or knock-out necklaces, we have the information you want. If it's amazing deals from your favorite retailer you're looking for's Clearance Vault is the single largest jewelry outlet/clearance platform both on and off-line. provides a rare in-depth look at the entire jewelry shopping landscape. Our Top 60 Jewelers is the "Zagat" of the jewelry world, providing independent reviews of both national and regional fine jewelry stores in addition to our valued nine founding partners. While we don't sell jewelry ourselves, brings you years of experience and trust associated with its participating diamond partners: Fred Meyer Jewelers, Gordon's Jewelers, Helzberg Diamonds, JCPenney, Kay Jewelers, Littman Jewelers, Macy's, Nordstrom, REEDS, Sears, and Zales... see more about us. |
about jewellery,
learn jewelery
Jewellery (pronounced /ˈdʒuːəlri/ or /ˈdʒuːələri/) or jewelry (see American and British English spelling differences) is a form of personal adornment, manifesting itself as necklaces, rings, brooches, earrings and bracelets. Jewellery may be made from any material, usually gemstones, precious metals or shells. Factors affecting the choice of materials include cultural differences and the availability of the materials. Jewellery may be appreciated because of its material properties, its patterns or for meaningful symbols. Jewellery differs from other items of personal adornment in that it has no other purpose than to look appealing. Items such as belts and handbags are considered to be accessories rather than jewellery.
The word jewellery is derived from the word jewel, which was Anglicised from the Old French "jouel" circa the 13th century.[1] Further tracing leads back to the Latin word "jocale", meaning plaything. Jewellery is one of the oldest forms of body adornment; recently-found 100,000-year-old beads made from Nassarius shells are thought to be the oldest known jewellery.[2]
Jewellery is sometimes regarded as a way of storing wealth and might also possess some minimal functionality, such as holding a garment together or keeping hair in place. It has from very early times been regarded as a form of personal adornment. The first pieces of jewellery were made from natural materials, such as bone, animal teeth, shell, wood and carved stone. Some jewellery throughout the ages may have specifically been as an indication of a social group. More exotic jewellery is often for wealthier people, with its rarity increasing its value. Due to its personal nature and its indication of social class, some cultures established traditions of burying the dead with their jewellery.
Jewellery has been made to adorn nearly every body part, from hairpins to toe rings and many more types of jewellery. While high-quality jewellery is made with gemstones and precious metals, such as silver or gold, there is also a growing demand for art jewellery where design and creativity is prized above material value. In addition, there is the less costly costume jewellery, made from lower value materials and mass-produced. Other variations include wire sculpture (wrap) jewellery, using anything from base metal wire with rock tumbled stone to precious metals and precious gemstones.
The word jewellery is derived from the word jewel, which was Anglicised from the Old French "jouel" circa the 13th century.[1] Further tracing leads back to the Latin word "jocale", meaning plaything. Jewellery is one of the oldest forms of body adornment; recently-found 100,000-year-old beads made from Nassarius shells are thought to be the oldest known jewellery.[2]
Jewellery is sometimes regarded as a way of storing wealth and might also possess some minimal functionality, such as holding a garment together or keeping hair in place. It has from very early times been regarded as a form of personal adornment. The first pieces of jewellery were made from natural materials, such as bone, animal teeth, shell, wood and carved stone. Some jewellery throughout the ages may have specifically been as an indication of a social group. More exotic jewellery is often for wealthier people, with its rarity increasing its value. Due to its personal nature and its indication of social class, some cultures established traditions of burying the dead with their jewellery.
Jewellery has been made to adorn nearly every body part, from hairpins to toe rings and many more types of jewellery. While high-quality jewellery is made with gemstones and precious metals, such as silver or gold, there is also a growing demand for art jewellery where design and creativity is prized above material value. In addition, there is the less costly costume jewellery, made from lower value materials and mass-produced. Other variations include wire sculpture (wrap) jewellery, using anything from base metal wire with rock tumbled stone to precious metals and precious gemstones.
12 Eylül 2010 Pazar
As of December 31, 2007, 52 companies operated in the insurance and pensions market in Turkey. 29 of them are non-life, 11 are life, 10 are life and pension companies, 1 is pension and 1 is re-insurance company.
The insurance and private pension market is regulated by the Directorate General of Insurance and supervised by Insurance Supervisory Board of the Undersecretariat of Treasury.
Although the insurability capacity has not reached the expected level in Turkey, in recent years, there have been important developments in the insurance sector parallel to the economic growth.
In 2007, the assets of the insurance sector have become YTL 23.4 billion, increasing by 25%; meanwhile the production of premium has reached to YTL 10.9 billion, increasing by 13%. The number of the insurance policies has exceeded 38 million, increasing by 14% compared to last year. These progresses suggest that the potential of the insurance sector is hopeful.
Moreover, the new Turkish Insurance Law, prepared in accordance with EU norms, came into effect in June 2007.
Private pension system |
Private pension system, which is a voluntary scheme, launched by Law No. 4632 in October 2001. After a two-year preparatory period, pension companies started operating as of 27th October 2003. The number of participants in the private pension funds reached 1.5 million and the amount of contributions surmounted USD 3.3 billion as of 31 December 2007.
- A Brief Report on the Turkish Private Pension System can be reached here.
Pension Monitoring Centre |
As a requirement of the law no. 4632, the Undersecretariat of Treasury authorised the "Pension Monitoring Centre" ("Emeklilik Gözetim Merkezi" or in short EGM in Turkish) in order to ensure that the Individual Pension System operates in a safe and efficient manner, and protects rights and interests of participants. As a self-regulated e-governance application, EGM is established to produce accurate information on behalf of Turkish Treasury for daily electronic supervision of the companies operating in the system. The establishment was completed by the shareholders with $ 1.7 million paid-in capitals on July 10, 2003. One of the shareholders of the centre is Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury with a small share in capital, other shareholders are 11 pension companies which have licenses to operate in the pension branch with equal share in capital.
EGM, which is a core control mechanism, mainly assigned to perform the following tasks;
EGM, which is a core control mechanism, mainly assigned to perform the following tasks;
• Daily electronic supervision and audit of pension company’s activities and e-reporting to the related government institution,
• Consolidation of data based on the daily transactions of the pensions companies,
• Providing information to public and participants,
• Generating statistical and actuarial information,
• Implementing the examination of Individual Pensions Brokers and following up the electronic registries,
• Meeting the demand for common presentation, training activities, software and allied subjects,
• Organizing data which is necessary for on time intervention to probable problems,
• Analytically querying the Individual Pension System.
As of February 22, 2005, EGM (Pension Monitoring Center) has been registered as a governing member of the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS), which is an international organisation, aims to serve as the standard-setting body on pension supervisory issues and regulating issues related to pension supervision through the development and promotion of the implementation of international principles, standards, and good practices in pension supervision, having regard to the variety of different private pension systems.
Health insurance |
28 insurance companies offer health insurance products as of December 31, 2004. Health insurance products are usually, yearly renewable. Private companies offer in patient and out patient health services in private hospitals. There are travel asistance products, contract lengths are less than one year. They offer health services during the tourists' journey in Turkey.
Property insurance |
In Turkey, there are two types of insurance policies for properties. These are the compulsory earthquake insurance and other non-compulsory property insurance.
Compulsory: DASK (The Turkish Catastrophic Insurance Pool-TCIP) has been established by the virtue of Decree Law no:587 in order to write compulsory Earthquake Insurance and to do the other tasks given by the Decree. Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is underwritten by TCIP. The insurance companies are authorised to sign insurance agreement with the name and account of TCIP. In Turkey, Compulsory Earthquake Insurance is mandatory for all houses except for the buildings which belong to public establishments and the buildings constructed on village settlement areas.
Non-compulsory: Other property insurance types can be freely bought from the market and they cover some risks including theft and fire. Foreigners are permitted to conclude property insurance contract in Turkey. There are no legal restrictions for foreigners to buy all insurance types. Additionally, real persons and legal entities are obliged to buy insurance policies from the insurance companies operating in Turkey. The Insurance companies must have a licence to operate in Turkey. Those companies are not treated differently in terms of capital requirement whether they are domestic or foreign. It is possible to establish an insurance company in Turkey with %100 foreign capital.
Traffic (motorists) insurance |
Motor vehicle owners have to buy a compulsory traffic insurance policy. A person must not use a motor vehicle on a road unless there is in force in relation to the use of the vehicle by that person such a policy of insurance or such a security in respect of third party risks as complies with the requirements of Road Traffic Act.
Insurance Agents, Brokers, Experts |
Insurance Agents: According to the Insurance Supervision Law, agents, who are real persons or legal entities, are allowed to sell insurance policies or to represent insurance companies in some activities.
Insurance Brokers: Insurance brokers, who are real persons or legal entities, operate in line with the Insurance Brokers Regulation issued by the Undersecretariat of Treasury. They are authorised by the Undersecretariat of Treasury. As of 23 May 2008, the number of insurance brokers was 67.
Insurance Experts: Insurance experts are the authorised independent legal or real persons who assess the damages and losses subject to insurance policies. In order to become an insurance expert, people undertake special exams and internship programs.
The premiums generated by the sector |
Premium generation by the insurance market in Turkey |
Source: Undersecretariat of Treasury (as of December 31, 2007) |
For further information please contact: |
Directorate General of Insurance |
Address: | T.C. Basbakanlik Hazine Müstesarligi Inönü Bulvari No:36 06510 Emek/ ANKARA TURKEY |
Tel : | +90 (312) 204 60 00, +90 (312) 2128730, +90 (312) 2121205, +90 (312) 2128203, +90 (312) 2129069, +90 (312) 2128238, or +90 (312) 2129463 |
Fax: | +90 (312) 212 88 71 |
Web: | |
Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey |
Address: | Büyükdere St. Büyükdere Plaza No:195 Floor:1-2 34394 Levent-ISTANBUL-TURKEY |
Tel : | +90 (212) 324 19 50 |
Fax: | +90 (212) 325 61 08 |
E-mail: | |
Web: |
Health Services in Turkey
Every Turkish working citizen as their employer pays a prima in behalf of them to the state (and wife, husband, children) is automatically secured for health services by the SSK (Social Insurance Association) which is owned by the State. Unfortunately the social security system of Turkey is not able to serve non-working or unofficially working citizens. With a new law that is accepted by the parliament by June 2000, unemployed citizens would be able to get health service if they match the criteria. Turkish citizens who are retired are also able to get health service of the state.
The employers, owners of enterprises do pay a different prim to the government (BAĞKUR) that gives them the right to get health service from state hospitals which are in a little better conditions then SSK hospitals in means of infrastructure and hygiene.
Apart from that, citizens which are able to afford the payments, insure their selves by private health insurance companies that gives the possibility to use the private hospitals. Among many possibilities there are two major sorts.
1- "Yatarak" : Secures only the cases which ends with a lodging in a hospital. Operations, Emergency care, Big accidents etc. Generally % 100 of the expenses are secured.
2- "Ayakta ve Yatarak" : Secures all health expenses depending on the condition of the insurance which could be set by the customer. Generally the customer has a %20 percent of own risk with lights health care or controls where no hospital lodging take place. All cases where hospital lodging is need are paid in full.
Private hospitals are open to everybody which could afford the expenses which are high in case compared with the average income of Turkish citizens.
Although the physically health service standard in government owned hospitals seems below average, in private hospitals this level reaches far above international standards in means of infrastructure and expertise. Overall in Turkey the level of expertise and education is quite high and trustful.
On January 2002, the English health social security system authorities has contacted Turkish health authorities to be able to cure English patients in Turkey. This is just a recent development that proves the educate standards of Turkish hospitals and doctors. (Source Hurriyet Newspaper)
Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. It is also a level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism, often implicitly human.
At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1948, health was defhey "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".[1][2]
Only a handful of publications have focused specifically on the definition of health and its evolution in the first 6 decades. Some of them highlight its lack of operational value and the problem created by use of the word "complete." Others declare the definition, which has not been modified since 1948, "simply a bad one." [1]
In 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said that health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities." Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also define health.
Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being, which, together is commonly referred to as the Health Triangle.
At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1948, health was defhey "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".[1][2]
Only a handful of publications have focused specifically on the definition of health and its evolution in the first 6 decades. Some of them highlight its lack of operational value and the problem created by use of the word "complete." Others declare the definition, which has not been modified since 1948, "simply a bad one." [1]
In 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said that health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities." Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also define health.
Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being, which, together is commonly referred to as the Health Triangle.
Private Jet Charter – Simplicity, Flexibility, and Peace of Mind
Private Jet Charter – Simplicity, Flexibility, and Peace of Mind
At OneSky, we’ve created something special: a private jet alternative that offers the peace of mind and reliability of fractional ownership with the flexibility, simplicity and choice of private jet charter.- Access to over 2,500 approved private jets*
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OneSky Jets does not own or manage jets. Instead, we’ve built a unique model which unites the top private jet carriers into a cohesive network, empowering our clients and Members with access to the finest, most luxurious private jets. This access comes with peace of mind through our industry leading safety due-diligence program and added comfort through the knowledge that our state of the art command center is tracking every detail of every flight.Private Jet Search Features Make Finding a Private Jet Easy
OneSky Jets' search and planning tools make the process of sourcing a premium private jet easy. Our online flight planner is the only tool where users can instantly search, price and compare private jet charter solutions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Questions? Our friendly, knowledgeable Flight Advisors are available to answer any questions and assist in planning any flight.Unyielding Air Charter Safety Standards
Each Certified Part 135 operator in OneSky Jets' network must meet required FAA standards and additional OneSky Jets safety standards. OneSky Jets is a Wyvern Authorized broker, helped to develop the Wyvern Pilot and Aircraft Safety Survey (PASS) program, and served as this product's launch customer.OneSky Jets cross checks Wyvern results with those of the Aviation Research Group's TripCHEQ. OneSky Jets is the first and only private jet company subscribing to both ARG/US and Wyvern trip specific safety intelligence reports.
OneSky Jets' commitment to safety extends beyond the third party due-diligence it performs. OneSky Jets is a founding member of the Air Charter Safety Foundation and our CEO sits on this organization's board. The safety-focused culture at OneSky Jets teaches everyone in the Company to treat each and every flight as if their own family were on-board.
OneSky Jets welcomes requests for additional information about specific aircraft safety equipment and/or liability insurance for every aircraft we approved and listed on For more about air safety, follow this link: air safety.
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6 Eylül 2010 Pazartesi
Mortgage Refinancing
Refinancing is when you apply for a secured loan in order to pay off another different loan secured against the same assets, property etc. If this original loan had a fixed interest rate mortgage which has now declined considerably, then you would like to avail of a new loan at a more favorable interest rate.
A house is the largest asset you may ever own. Likewise, your mortgage payment may be the largest expense you'll have in your monthly budget. Wouldn't it be great to use this asset to reduce your monthly payment and put extra cash in your pocket? When you refinance your mortgage, you can take advantage of the equity in your home and enable this to take place.
By refinancing your mortgage when interest rates are lower, you can exchange a higher interest rate for a lower one, which, in turn, will lower your monthly payment.
In many ways, your house is like a cash cow. If you have discipline and knowledge of the benefits of refinancing, you can tap into its milk for years to come.
To find the best refinance loan offers complete our short form. You will find lenders and brokers that offer home refinance loans in California, Florida and all other states.
When is Refinancing an Option
Typically home refinancing is done when you have a mortgage on your home and apply for a second loan to pay off the first one. While taking the decision to go for the home refinancing option, it is important to first determine whether the amount you save on interests balances the amount of fees payable during refinancing.Home Refinancing Benefits
Imagine a scenario where you can have access to extra cash, while simultaneously lowering your monthly mortgage payment. This dream can become a reality through mortgage refinancing.A house is the largest asset you may ever own. Likewise, your mortgage payment may be the largest expense you'll have in your monthly budget. Wouldn't it be great to use this asset to reduce your monthly payment and put extra cash in your pocket? When you refinance your mortgage, you can take advantage of the equity in your home and enable this to take place.
Lower Refinance Rate, Lower Payments
When you purchased your dream home, the financial environment dictated interest rates. While certain factors, like your credit rating and the amount of the down payment that you were able to afford, influenced your interest rate, the single most important factor was the prevailing rates at that moment. However, interest rates fluctuate. When the Federal Reserve enters a rate-cutting period, the prevailing rates may become significantly lower than when you originally purchased your home.By refinancing your mortgage when interest rates are lower, you can exchange a higher interest rate for a lower one, which, in turn, will lower your monthly payment.
Shorten the Length of Your Mortgage when Refinancing
Another advantage of home refinancing is that you can shorten the term of your mortgage. Let's say, for example, that you originally had a 30-year mortgage and have been paying it for eight years. Thanks to mortgage refinancing, you can switch to a shorter term of either 10, 15 or 20 years. This can save you thousands of dollars of interest. Also, if the refinance rate is lower, but you maintain the same monthly payment, you will build up equity in your home more quickly, because more of your payment will be going towards principal.Exchange an Adjustable Rate (ARM) for a Fixed Refinance Rate (FRM)
When interest rates are low, adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are the housing market's darlings. However, as interest rates increase, that adjustable rate may not look as sweet. It's also possible that you opted for an ARM because your financial future was less secure, or you weren't sure how long you'd stay in your home. If, however, you've become financially stable and know that you'll be staying in your home for several years, it may be beneficial to swap that fluctuating adjustable rate for a fixed one. You'll have more security knowing that your monthly payment will remain steady, regardless of the current market environment.Cash-out refinancing
One way to put more money in your pocket is to tap into the equity you've built in your home and do a "cash-out" refinancing. In this scenario, you can refinance for an amount higher than your current principal balance and take the extra funds as cash. This can provide money for remodeling your home, paying off high-interest rate bills, or sending your kids to college.PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance)
If you were unable to make a down payment of 20 percent when you purchased your home, you may have been required to purchase Private Mortgage Insurance or PMI. If your house has appreciated since then, and you've steadily paid down your mortgage, your equity may now be more than 20 percent. If you refinance, you will no longer need PMI.In many ways, your house is like a cash cow. If you have discipline and knowledge of the benefits of refinancing, you can tap into its milk for years to come.
To find the best refinance loan offers complete our short form. You will find lenders and brokers that offer home refinance loans in California, Florida and all other states.
31 Ağustos 2010 Salı
Dental Implants Failure and Rejection Reasons
While rare, sometimes dental implants failure can occur is some instances. There are a number of different reason that dental implant rejection or failure can happen.
By understanding the cited causes for dental implants failure, you can make a better decision as to whether or not dental implants are right for you and your needs.
When it comes to dental implants failure, there is a higher risk of dental implant failure in the upper jaw.
There is a five percent increased chance of implant failure when an implant is put in a patient’s upper jaw when compared to implants that are placed in the lower jaw bone.
What’s more, in a yet to be explained issue, a person can have multiple dental implants where only a single implant fails and the remainder of the implants prove successful.
Researchers have yet to determine why such dental implant failures occur on occasion. There are however, existing theories for this type of dental implant rejection which point to the presence of bacteria within the patient’s jawbone at the time of the implant.
It is believed that the placement of an implant in a jawbone may cause bacteria to be distributed in the surrounding area of the mouth and that it has a baneful effect on the tissues inside the mouth.
Any implants that manage to escape contact with the unleashed bacteria remain intact while the implant that is affected by the existing bacteria ultimately fails.
By understanding the cited causes for dental implants failure, you can make a better decision as to whether or not dental implants are right for you and your needs.
When it comes to dental implants failure, there is a higher risk of dental implant failure in the upper jaw.
There is a five percent increased chance of implant failure when an implant is put in a patient’s upper jaw when compared to implants that are placed in the lower jaw bone.
What’s more, in a yet to be explained issue, a person can have multiple dental implants where only a single implant fails and the remainder of the implants prove successful.
Researchers have yet to determine why such dental implant failures occur on occasion. There are however, existing theories for this type of dental implant rejection which point to the presence of bacteria within the patient’s jawbone at the time of the implant.
It is believed that the placement of an implant in a jawbone may cause bacteria to be distributed in the surrounding area of the mouth and that it has a baneful effect on the tissues inside the mouth.
Any implants that manage to escape contact with the unleashed bacteria remain intact while the implant that is affected by the existing bacteria ultimately fails.
How Do Periodontal Pathogens Contribute to Atherosclerosis?
HELSINKI, FINLAND -- June 12, 2007 -- Periodontitis and periodontal pathogens raise the risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) events through an increase in serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS), according to new research presented here at the 76th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS).
Periodontitis, an infection in tooth-supporting tissues, is recognised as an independent risk factor for CVD. However, the exact mechanism behind the association between periodontitis and CVD is not known.
"One of the basic hypotheses behind the mechanism for the association between periodontitis and CVD is endotoxemia caused by gram-negative periodontal pathogens, since they have an open access to circulation through bleeding gums," said lead investigator Pirkko Pussinen, PhD, adjunct professor, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
LPS in the circulation is a potent activator of inflammatory cells leading to macrophage-derived foam cell formation, a hallmark of early atherosclerosis, and it has been hypothesised that an increase in serum LPS concentration might mediate the association between periodontitis and CVD, Dr. Pussinen explained. "However, this hypothesis has not been tested before," she said.
To investigate the association between the risk of incident CVD events and serum antibody levels to major periodontal pathogens, as well as total LPS concentration and various inflammatory markers, Dr. Pussinen and colleagues conducted a prospective case-cohort study involving a cohort of 6,051 people between 25 and 64 years of age, with a median follow-up of 10 years. During that time, 189 incident CVD events occurred. A stratified random sample (n=320) of the original cohort served as control.
The researchers found that a high combined antibody response to periodontal pathogens independently predicted incident CVD events, and high LPS concentration was also associated with increased CVD risk.
These results suggest that systemic exposure to periodontal pathogens or LPS induces systemic inflammation leading to increased risk for CVD, the researchers concluded. "We've also found that endotoxemia is especially harmful for subjects with a low HDL cholesterol concentration," Dr. Pussinen noted.
In view of these data, it is very important that practising clinicians pay attention to the oral health of their patients and refer them to see a dentist regularly, Dr. Pussinen suggested.
Periodontitis, an infection in tooth-supporting tissues, is recognised as an independent risk factor for CVD. However, the exact mechanism behind the association between periodontitis and CVD is not known.
"One of the basic hypotheses behind the mechanism for the association between periodontitis and CVD is endotoxemia caused by gram-negative periodontal pathogens, since they have an open access to circulation through bleeding gums," said lead investigator Pirkko Pussinen, PhD, adjunct professor, Institute of Dentistry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
LPS in the circulation is a potent activator of inflammatory cells leading to macrophage-derived foam cell formation, a hallmark of early atherosclerosis, and it has been hypothesised that an increase in serum LPS concentration might mediate the association between periodontitis and CVD, Dr. Pussinen explained. "However, this hypothesis has not been tested before," she said.
To investigate the association between the risk of incident CVD events and serum antibody levels to major periodontal pathogens, as well as total LPS concentration and various inflammatory markers, Dr. Pussinen and colleagues conducted a prospective case-cohort study involving a cohort of 6,051 people between 25 and 64 years of age, with a median follow-up of 10 years. During that time, 189 incident CVD events occurred. A stratified random sample (n=320) of the original cohort served as control.
The researchers found that a high combined antibody response to periodontal pathogens independently predicted incident CVD events, and high LPS concentration was also associated with increased CVD risk.
These results suggest that systemic exposure to periodontal pathogens or LPS induces systemic inflammation leading to increased risk for CVD, the researchers concluded. "We've also found that endotoxemia is especially harmful for subjects with a low HDL cholesterol concentration," Dr. Pussinen noted.
In view of these data, it is very important that practising clinicians pay attention to the oral health of their patients and refer them to see a dentist regularly, Dr. Pussinen suggested.
Private Jet Acquisitions
Partnering with Jet Advisors in the purchase of a private jet means working with some of the industry’s most experienced private jet professionals. Our experience in hundreds of private jet transactions and extensive technical and regulatory knowledge will enable you to find the exact private jet to meet your needs.
Jet Advisors analyzes each client’s unique situation to create a comprehensive needs assessment. We then use this assessment to compile a list of the private jets that best suit your needs, complete with highly detailed and realistic cost projections for each option. Your private jet search representative will then assist you step-by-step in the private jet acquisition process.
Jet Advisors supervises the entire private jet acquisition process -- identifying the best value is only the beginning. We assist with the logbook inspections, pre-purchase inspections, modification supervision and establishment of services or flight department. Our clients have a partner throughout the acquisition process and beyond.
With Jet Advisors’ extensive experience in private jet transactions, you can rest assured that your new private jet acquisition will be the best solution to your travel needs.
Contact Jet Advisors for all your private jet acquisitions
Jet Advisors analyzes each client’s unique situation to create a comprehensive needs assessment. We then use this assessment to compile a list of the private jets that best suit your needs, complete with highly detailed and realistic cost projections for each option. Your private jet search representative will then assist you step-by-step in the private jet acquisition process.
Jet Advisors supervises the entire private jet acquisition process -- identifying the best value is only the beginning. We assist with the logbook inspections, pre-purchase inspections, modification supervision and establishment of services or flight department. Our clients have a partner throughout the acquisition process and beyond.
With Jet Advisors’ extensive experience in private jet transactions, you can rest assured that your new private jet acquisition will be the best solution to your travel needs.
Contact Jet Advisors for all your private jet acquisitions
Private Jet Advisors
Company Mission
Jet Advisors is an independent company with years of experience in the private jet industry, developed to assist clients with their private jet needs. We combine our experience of the industry with up-to-date information from our industry experts to provide you with the insightful, detailed information you need to make the right decision.
Whether you are interested in the acquisition or sale of a private jet or are considering committing to a private jet charter company, Jet Advisors will assist you in every step of the process. We analyze your unique situation to create a comprehensive needs assessment, then use this information to locate the best solutions. We conduct cost analyses on each option and compare them with historical data and financial records to provide highly accurate cost projections. We also provide our clients with a comprehensive Operational Safety Report of each aircraft service provider to ensure optimum operational safety. Finally, we negotiate terms and complete a business review of the documents, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service.
Jet Advisors is paid solely by our private jet clients. We have no hidden agendas. Simply put, we are here to represent your best interests, a true partner in the decision making process. Jet Advisors has the experience, resources and knowledge to locate your optimum solution. With Jet Advisors as your representative or partner, you can navigate your private jet transaction with confidence.
Jet Advisors is an independent company with years of experience in the private jet industry, developed to assist clients with their private jet needs. We combine our experience of the industry with up-to-date information from our industry experts to provide you with the insightful, detailed information you need to make the right decision.
Whether you are interested in the acquisition or sale of a private jet or are considering committing to a private jet charter company, Jet Advisors will assist you in every step of the process. We analyze your unique situation to create a comprehensive needs assessment, then use this information to locate the best solutions. We conduct cost analyses on each option and compare them with historical data and financial records to provide highly accurate cost projections. We also provide our clients with a comprehensive Operational Safety Report of each aircraft service provider to ensure optimum operational safety. Finally, we negotiate terms and complete a business review of the documents, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service.
Jet Advisors is paid solely by our private jet clients. We have no hidden agendas. Simply put, we are here to represent your best interests, a true partner in the decision making process. Jet Advisors has the experience, resources and knowledge to locate your optimum solution. With Jet Advisors as your representative or partner, you can navigate your private jet transaction with confidence.
The Possibilities of A Bad Credit Car Loan
The Possibilities of A Bad Credit Car Loan
Credit Loan: The Possibilities of A Bad Credit Car Loan
Imagine this scenario. You're driving along the motorway on your way home from a hard day at work, when suddenly your car ceases to move. You figure something is wrong from all of the blue and black smoke that is pouring out from under the hood. You manage to get your hunk of metal towed to the nearest service garage only to get more bad news. The mechanics actual words being, it would be kinder just to shoot it tell you that your car is beyond repair. You're now in an awful situation. You need your car to get to work. However, buying a new car will be extremely difficult because you have had previous credit problems. You're at a loss for what to do. Well, the situation may not be as dire as you think. Many high street banks and lenders are now offering bad credit car loans. Bad credit car loans are designed to help people in these circumstances obtain financing for a car. Even those with serious credit problems in the past have been able to obtain a bad credit car loan.
You may be wondering how this works. Well, most banks and lending institutions realize that the majority of people get into trouble for 1 of 2 reasons. The most common is change of circumstances and the other is just mismanagement. Very few people get their through dishonesty. You may have gotten into debt trouble through loss of your job or a family break up. These circumstances caused you to have financial difficulty. Finance companies will look at your current situation and try to give you a loan based on that. If your have a job currently, and have been meeting your monthly obligations since your previous trouble, then your chances are fairly good.
Applying for a bad credit car loan is quite similar to applying for any car loan. However, you will be held to a different set of criterion. You may also be expected to pay a higher rate of interest than a standard car loan. However, it may be worth it when you consider the possibilities that this loan can give you. You can also ask for a lower rate once you have been making timely payments for sometime.
Don't let past credit problems get in the way of getting a car loan. Many people today are getting financing that have faced serious credit problems in the past. Bankruptcy and county court judgment no longer need to stand in your way. With the right bank or lending institution you can soon be on your way to driving that brand new car.
Credit Loan: The Possibilities of A Bad Credit Car Loan
You may be wondering how this works. Well, most banks and lending institutions realize that the majority of people get into trouble for 1 of 2 reasons. The most common is change of circumstances and the other is just mismanagement. Very few people get their through dishonesty. You may have gotten into debt trouble through loss of your job or a family break up. These circumstances caused you to have financial difficulty. Finance companies will look at your current situation and try to give you a loan based on that. If your have a job currently, and have been meeting your monthly obligations since your previous trouble, then your chances are fairly good.
Applying for a bad credit car loan is quite similar to applying for any car loan. However, you will be held to a different set of criterion. You may also be expected to pay a higher rate of interest than a standard car loan. However, it may be worth it when you consider the possibilities that this loan can give you. You can also ask for a lower rate once you have been making timely payments for sometime.
Don't let past credit problems get in the way of getting a car loan. Many people today are getting financing that have faced serious credit problems in the past. Bankruptcy and county court judgment no longer need to stand in your way. With the right bank or lending institution you can soon be on your way to driving that brand new car.
Credit Loan: The Possibilities of A Bad Credit Car Loan
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bad credit car loan,
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Auto Loan Basics
Taking an auto loan is the best financing option when you want to buy a car or any other automobile. This is because auto loans are generally cheaper than most car finance options, does not have rigid repayment terms and is available for all kinds of old and new automobiles. You also end up saving on the high charges associated with car finance since an auto loan processing fee is generally lesser.
Because of the highly competitive environment persisting in the loan market nowadays, it has become extremely easy to get any kind of loan, be it a home loan or an auto loan or a loan for any other purpose. Auto loans nowadays come with affordable interest rates, comfortable EMIs and flexible repayment terms and conditions. Auto loans, like other loans can be broadly divided into secured and
unsecured loans.
Types of Auto Loans
Secured auto loans are the ones where the borrower has to pledge some valuable asset like a home or the car that one is buying as collateral. The rates of interest for secured auto loans is much lesser than that for unsecured auto loans and the terms of repayment are also more flexible and customer friendly. However, the risk of losing your home or other valuable property is always attached to a secured auto loan, and you put yourself in the position of losing your property the moment you default on a payment or two.
On the other hand, unsecured auto loans come with a higher rate of interest and have stricter repayment terms with shorter time periods, but you do not end up losing your home or your car just in case you fail to make a couple of payments. It is because of this reason that unsecured auto loans are more popular than secured ones. Another reason for the popularity of unsecured auto loans is that many people who do not have any valuable property like students and non home owners cannot avail any other kind of auto loan. Even in the case of unsecured auto loans, you might end up losing the vehicle you buy in case you fail to pay back the loan. Make sure that you understand everything about your auto loan clearly in order to know exactly what you are getting in for.
Getting The Best Loan Possible
As in the case of all other loans, it is advised that you shop around as much as possible before finalizing on your auto loan program. This is because with the increasing competition in the market, many lenders are offering extremely attractive loan plans and you should try to get as many quotes as possible in order to get the best deal possible. You might end up saving a lot of money going from one lender to the other offering the same loan amount. Another thing to keep in mind is your monthly budget. You should know exactly how much you will be able to spare per month towards repayment of your auto loan and chose a plan accordingly.
The cheapest loans today are available through the internet, so getting online is the best method of locating the most cost effective car loan. Having a positive credit history and a good credit score will definitely help in bringing down the interest rates on your loan. So try and make sure that your credit report looks the neatest when you apply for your auto loan.
Credit Loan: Auto Loan Basics
Because of the highly competitive environment persisting in the loan market nowadays, it has become extremely easy to get any kind of loan, be it a home loan or an auto loan or a loan for any other purpose. Auto loans nowadays come with affordable interest rates, comfortable EMIs and flexible repayment terms and conditions. Auto loans, like other loans can be broadly divided into secured and
unsecured loans.
Types of Auto Loans
Secured auto loans are the ones where the borrower has to pledge some valuable asset like a home or the car that one is buying as collateral. The rates of interest for secured auto loans is much lesser than that for unsecured auto loans and the terms of repayment are also more flexible and customer friendly. However, the risk of losing your home or other valuable property is always attached to a secured auto loan, and you put yourself in the position of losing your property the moment you default on a payment or two.
On the other hand, unsecured auto loans come with a higher rate of interest and have stricter repayment terms with shorter time periods, but you do not end up losing your home or your car just in case you fail to make a couple of payments. It is because of this reason that unsecured auto loans are more popular than secured ones. Another reason for the popularity of unsecured auto loans is that many people who do not have any valuable property like students and non home owners cannot avail any other kind of auto loan. Even in the case of unsecured auto loans, you might end up losing the vehicle you buy in case you fail to pay back the loan. Make sure that you understand everything about your auto loan clearly in order to know exactly what you are getting in for.
Getting The Best Loan Possible
As in the case of all other loans, it is advised that you shop around as much as possible before finalizing on your auto loan program. This is because with the increasing competition in the market, many lenders are offering extremely attractive loan plans and you should try to get as many quotes as possible in order to get the best deal possible. You might end up saving a lot of money going from one lender to the other offering the same loan amount. Another thing to keep in mind is your monthly budget. You should know exactly how much you will be able to spare per month towards repayment of your auto loan and chose a plan accordingly.
The cheapest loans today are available through the internet, so getting online is the best method of locating the most cost effective car loan. Having a positive credit history and a good credit score will definitely help in bringing down the interest rates on your loan. So try and make sure that your credit report looks the neatest when you apply for your auto loan.
Credit Loan: Auto Loan Basics
auto loan,
auto loan credit,
auto loans,
loan credit
Bad Credit Loans: A Quick Fix For Those With Questionable Credit
Bad Credit Loans: A Quick Fix For Those With Questionable Credit
Bad credit loans may be the only option for people who have a questionable credit history or those who have yet to establish a credit history. There are two types of bad credit loans: bad credit loans that are secured and bad credit loans that are unsecured. Each type of bad credit loan has its own pros and cons.
Credit Loan: Bad Credit Loans: A Quick Fix For Those With Questionable Credit
Secured Bad Credit Loans
Secured bad credit loans are loans that you are given in exchange for a security deposit, which is equal to your loan amount, or valuable assets that you own. As long as you do not default, you will get your money or assets back from your secured bad credit loan. Why would someone want to take out a bad credit loan that is secured with an amount of money equal to the loan? Consider someone who is trying to rebuild their credit history, needs to get some positive accounts on their credit reports, and only has $5,000 to work with. They could take that $5,000 and get a secured credit card, but that would only be one account.
To make their money work harder for them, they could take out a $5,000 bad credit loan and then use that to get a $5,000 secured credit card or maybe even two $2,500 cards. This would mean 2-3 positive accounts with the same amount of money, as opposed to 1. At the same time, they may be earning interest on the money that is securing their bad credit loan and credit card(s). Also their FICO score will get an additional small boost because of account variety (which FICO takes into consideration when scoring credit worthiness): 1 installment account and 1 or 2 revolving accounts, as opposed to just a revolving account(s). The only downside to this type of bad credit loan is that you have to come up with the money or assets to secure the loan.
Unsecured Bad Credit Loans
Unsecured bad credit loans do not require you to secure the loan with money or assets, but they do have very high fees and interest rates. At times, you may be paying a 30%+ interest rate in order to take advantage of this type of bad credit loan. If you do not have the money to pay much more than the minimum payment each month, this type of bed credit loan will begin to add up fast and your principle balance will go nowhere. This is not a smart bad credit loan for someone who is in financial trouble and is using the bad credit loan to bail themselves out. It just will not work.
If you have bad credit and need a loan, think about the pros and cons of each type of bad credit loan to determine which is right for you. No matter which one you choose, each type of bad credit loan will help you to build or rebuild your credit history, as long as you make your monthly payments on time. Remember though, even with a secured bad credit loan, your delinquency will still be reported to the credit bureaus, even though the bank has collateral.
Secured bad credit loans are loans that you are given in exchange for a security deposit, which is equal to your loan amount, or valuable assets that you own. As long as you do not default, you will get your money or assets back from your secured bad credit loan. Why would someone want to take out a bad credit loan that is secured with an amount of money equal to the loan? Consider someone who is trying to rebuild their credit history, needs to get some positive accounts on their credit reports, and only has $5,000 to work with. They could take that $5,000 and get a secured credit card, but that would only be one account.
To make their money work harder for them, they could take out a $5,000 bad credit loan and then use that to get a $5,000 secured credit card or maybe even two $2,500 cards. This would mean 2-3 positive accounts with the same amount of money, as opposed to 1. At the same time, they may be earning interest on the money that is securing their bad credit loan and credit card(s). Also their FICO score will get an additional small boost because of account variety (which FICO takes into consideration when scoring credit worthiness): 1 installment account and 1 or 2 revolving accounts, as opposed to just a revolving account(s). The only downside to this type of bad credit loan is that you have to come up with the money or assets to secure the loan.
Unsecured Bad Credit Loans
Unsecured bad credit loans do not require you to secure the loan with money or assets, but they do have very high fees and interest rates. At times, you may be paying a 30%+ interest rate in order to take advantage of this type of bad credit loan. If you do not have the money to pay much more than the minimum payment each month, this type of bed credit loan will begin to add up fast and your principle balance will go nowhere. This is not a smart bad credit loan for someone who is in financial trouble and is using the bad credit loan to bail themselves out. It just will not work.
If you have bad credit and need a loan, think about the pros and cons of each type of bad credit loan to determine which is right for you. No matter which one you choose, each type of bad credit loan will help you to build or rebuild your credit history, as long as you make your monthly payments on time. Remember though, even with a secured bad credit loan, your delinquency will still be reported to the credit bureaus, even though the bank has collateral.
Bad Credit Loans and Facts
Whenever you apply for a loan, your credit history is reviewed. Depending on that your application may be accepted or rejected. If you have a good credit history, you may qualify for a loan with great rates, terms and conditions. But on the other hand, if you have a bad credit history, you may have to settle for a bad credit loan. Bad credit loans are loans that are made for people with a bad credit history. Not every lender offers these loans. So you might have to look for lenders who are willing to offer these loans.
Credit Loan: Bad Credit Loans and Facts
Credit Loan: Bad Credit Loans and Facts
The Terms
Since a person with a bad credit history is considered to be a risky factor while lending a loan, the lenders will charge a much higher rate of interest. The processing fees, closing costs etc will also be much higher than normal loans. But the advantage that you have despite of the high rate of interest is that your application will be accepted even if you have the worst credit score. Of course if you compare the loans, they will look like substandard ones. But you need to understand the fact that because of your credit score, these loans are your only chance. No other lender would accept your application.
Improve Your Chances
You can improve your chances of the application getting accepted by applying for a secured loan. A secured loan is a loan in which the borrower has to pledge some sort of security when he applies for the loan. In this case, the lenders are not at risk. Because, if the borrower defaults on the payments then the lender can easily retrieve the amount. Lenders are more open to secured loans and it might not be very difficult for you to convince a lender despite your credit rating. You can also improve your chances by a huge number if you build up some credit worthiness before you apply for the loan. Never default on any payments, keep you banking transactions etc error free and then apply for the loan. This shows that despite your bad past credit history, your recent pattern shows that you are developing healthy payment habits. Of course it will also do wonders for your credit score. You need to keep in mind that 'credit worthiness' is the prime determining factor when it comes to chances of your loan getting approved.
Post Application
Now that your application is accepted, the next thing to ensure is that you get some good interest rates. Yes, the rates will seem sky high when you compare it with other loans but they can be negotiated and bought down to a certain extent. The down payment can help you bring down the rates by a huge margin. If you can pay a big percentage of the amount up front, you are more likely to get lower interest rates. It also creates a better picture in the mind of the lender. So if you are planning to apply for a loan in September, start saving for the down payment at least 6 to 8 months prior to it so that you have the amount ready when you need it. All unnecessary expenses need to be cut down while you save. The worst part about money is that when you have it, even the most trivial things seem to be a necessity. So restrain yourself from purchasing unwanted stuff.
Make Your Payments on Time
Last but not the least; make all your payments on time. So that the next time you need a loan, you need not apply for Bad Credit Loans.
Credit Loan: Bad Credit Loans and Facts
Since a person with a bad credit history is considered to be a risky factor while lending a loan, the lenders will charge a much higher rate of interest. The processing fees, closing costs etc will also be much higher than normal loans. But the advantage that you have despite of the high rate of interest is that your application will be accepted even if you have the worst credit score. Of course if you compare the loans, they will look like substandard ones. But you need to understand the fact that because of your credit score, these loans are your only chance. No other lender would accept your application.
Improve Your Chances
You can improve your chances of the application getting accepted by applying for a secured loan. A secured loan is a loan in which the borrower has to pledge some sort of security when he applies for the loan. In this case, the lenders are not at risk. Because, if the borrower defaults on the payments then the lender can easily retrieve the amount. Lenders are more open to secured loans and it might not be very difficult for you to convince a lender despite your credit rating. You can also improve your chances by a huge number if you build up some credit worthiness before you apply for the loan. Never default on any payments, keep you banking transactions etc error free and then apply for the loan. This shows that despite your bad past credit history, your recent pattern shows that you are developing healthy payment habits. Of course it will also do wonders for your credit score. You need to keep in mind that 'credit worthiness' is the prime determining factor when it comes to chances of your loan getting approved.
Post Application
Now that your application is accepted, the next thing to ensure is that you get some good interest rates. Yes, the rates will seem sky high when you compare it with other loans but they can be negotiated and bought down to a certain extent. The down payment can help you bring down the rates by a huge margin. If you can pay a big percentage of the amount up front, you are more likely to get lower interest rates. It also creates a better picture in the mind of the lender. So if you are planning to apply for a loan in September, start saving for the down payment at least 6 to 8 months prior to it so that you have the amount ready when you need it. All unnecessary expenses need to be cut down while you save. The worst part about money is that when you have it, even the most trivial things seem to be a necessity. So restrain yourself from purchasing unwanted stuff.
Make Your Payments on Time
Last but not the least; make all your payments on time. So that the next time you need a loan, you need not apply for Bad Credit Loans.
Credit Loan: Bad Credit Loans and Facts
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